..::Wow.. This Is Still Active?::..

May 23, 2007 04:54

Holy Hell It's Been A Long Time.........

It's been the better part of a year since the last time I graced my PC with the presence of my LiveJournal page... So much has happened, so much has been amazing, and so much has gone wrong.. haha where to begin??

Well as of August 1st, 2006 I have been working the ICT out here. The drama of A&W ended with not a bang, but just a fizzle, I just stopped showing up, telling the supervisor that I may be back if the hours at ICT ever get stable such that I can be booked... but that never happens, I got a different schedule every week. My pay is good, I kinda hate the job, but hell I could be getting paid a LOT less for a LOT more work, so I ain't going to complain about my job. Problem with the job is that it is like High School... or Grenfell... anything happens, all of a sudden it is everyone's business, and nothing said ever stays the way it is... by the time any story gets around, it's something completely blown out of proportion...

I also am no longer in that shitty little cubby-hole of a room in Gambier St. I live near the Village mall in a three bedroom house with just me and my sister sklightly more expensive, but MAN what a beautiful place it is. Luckily as shitty as ICT is, the wage is wikid. Anyone here that is actually readin this... are more than welcome to crash here anytime your in the big city..

Now to the important part.. I finally have a vehicle of my own.. I own a 2000 Chrysler Neon... doesn't sound like the most appealing car ever, but it had 10,000 Km's on it.. considering it's 7yrs old and I got it for 3 grand.. that's wikid. I WILL be making a road trip back west at somepoint this year.. :P lemme know if any of ya want a lil pit stop..

Also, Poker is going awesome, now that I don't have to depend on anyone to get to and from games... My standard week sees an income of between 3-700 dollars in poker profit... in fact, right now I am awaiting a $1253 cheque being couriered to me from CA, fro Hollywoodpoker.com. Life Is Good! :D

And Not only that, but I've been in a relationship now since Decemeber... The typical scenerio of girl dating asshole, me helping her realize it, but using myself as the buffer, and letting her see how big of an asshole he was by showing her how a real man is supposed to treat a girl... it's been a great 6 months... unfortunately, the last few weeks I've been a bit distant, I've been thinking a lot about Kelly... and It turns out that I've been more infatuated with the fact that I'm in a relationship, and not actually infatuated with the girl... I find I see her as a friend, and nothing more... so unfortunately Friday night, after almost making 6 months, I had to have the break up talk...

Unfortunately she attacked me while going to a poker game, jealous of how much time cards takes up of my life, and how little tiem i've been with her lately... and she told me what I care more about, and unfortunately I was pissed, and Knew I was going to break up with her, so I said poker.... which killed her...

I still see her occasionally, at work and such, she seems well... but I still feel like the biggest asshole walkign this planet right now.. and there's nothing I can do about it other than drink.. lol...


I want to catch up with anyone I know that still uses LJ... I've started a completely new life here for the most part, and it annoys me that I've lost complete contact with all the people in CB.... :( Anyone?? Anyone??

Oh And P.S: My MSN Address Is Now ICTLunchbox@hotmail.com
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