so i'm not doing this in the middle of the night

Jun 11, 2007 18:01

i need some sleep tonight- so
If you're not going to be honest, don't take this survey.

1. Where is the last place you held hands?
i think earlier today when we were walking to the car.

2. If you were drafted into a war, would you survive?

3. Do you sleep with the TV on?

4. Have you ever drank milk straight out of the carton?
yeah- back in the gradeschool days i did that all the time.

5. Have you ever won a spelling bee?
no. i got 3rd place in one once.

6. What is your longest fight with one of your friends?
i think once i didn't speak to my best friend for 2 weeks i was so mad at him and that's how long it took before he was able to call me and apologise.

7. Are you a fast typer?
yes. 70+wpm with 100% accuracy

8. Are you afraid of the dark?
it depends. i'm terrified of nighttime in the country.

9. Do you like someone right now?
sure. my wife.

10. What ended your last relationship?
my last girlfriend became severely codependent on me to the point where it was damaging to both of us and i was the one that had to end it.

11. When's the last time you chose a bath over a shower?
it's been years at this point.

12. Do you knock on wood?
yes, when it's around.

13. Are you drinking anything right now?

14. Do you think you're attractive?
i think my attractive times are behind me. i used to be a dashing motherfucker- i should've had to fight them off with a stick. nowadays- not so much. since i grew giant sideburns i've noticed that i get more acknowledgement from the opposite sex- but i'm also married now, so i just wonder 'why is that girl smiling at me?'

15. Have you ever been in love?
yes. i am now.

16. Do you miss someone right now?

17. What do you want for Christmas?
tons of cds and dvds. some money would be nice so i could buy more recording and guitar equipment.

18. Do you know the muffin man?
hardee hardee har... no. *stares*

19. Do you talk in your sleep?
on occassion, yes. stefanie is the queen of talking in her sleep- she says hilarious shit.

20. Do you remember your 1st crush?
i had a crush on anika entwhistle (i'm not making this up) in 1st grade. i also had a crush on allison simmons in 1st grade. not much has changed really...

21. Have you ever flown a kite?
a few times. it's been a while.

22. When was the last time that you went swimming and where?
i think it was most likely at my parents' old house in kansas city in july of 2005. they sold that house the bastards.

23. Do you consider yourself successful?

24. How many people are on your contact list of your cell phone?
about 20 if you subtract the entry for kevin shields.

25. Have you ever asked for a horse?

26. Plans for tomorrow?
work. hopefully i'll get some work done afterwards (by this work i mean music work).

27. What did you do this past weekend?
got some music work done. bought a new pocket notebook.

29. When's the last time you told someone you loved them?
yesterday i think.

30. Do you want to be single?
maybe in that 'grass is always greener on the other side' but then when it comes down to it i fucking hated being single- it was miserable.

31. How are you feeling today?
pretty good. work is over.

32. Who's your hero?
i don't have any heroes. they're all useless...

33. Have you ever been suspended or expelled from school?

34. What are you looking forward to?
putting out another ep, and another 2 albums. getting a functioning recording studio going.

35. If you could be stranded with one person for 24 hours who would it be?
neko case.

36. Do you bite your nails?

37. Have you ever eaten dog food?

38. Can you handle the truth?
yes. i have no problem with the truth.

39. Do you like green eggs and ham?
i can't eat ham.

40. What 3 things do you always bring with you to places?
pocket notebook, wallet, keys.

41. Any cool scars?
i have a scar on the bottom of my right hand from when i got mad when i was 8 and punched through a stained glass window.

42. Are you missing in action?
i suspect that my friends/family in kansas city would say yes, but i would say no.

44. What's your deepest secret?
i wrote an entire cycle of songs to a girl i was infatuated with from work in 2003. nearly that entire last cd is about her. why do i have no problem admitting this now? i looked her up on myspace recently and was like 'wow, i was all gah-gah over this person?' it's a good thing i was smart enough to not do anything rash and jeopordize my relationship with stefanie so that we were able to get married, especially over someone who i wouldn't've been very compatible with at all.
i don't really keep secrets.

45. How often do you talk on the phone?
sadly a fair amount at work as it's a requirement at my job.

46. Do you believe in love?

47. Is there something you want that you can't have?

48. things about the preferred sex that you first notice?

49. When was your last time you cried?
a few nights ago when walking a smashing pumpkins video- not a lot though. a lot... it's been a while.

50. Who did you last hug?

51. Do you get along with your family?
yeah, if they're not being childish jerks.

52. Where is your phone?
in my pocket.

53. What was the last thing you ate?
three pieces of barbecue tofu.

54. Favorite Color?

55. Last movie you saw?
'deconstructing harry'

56. What song are you listening to?
'let's call it off' by peter bjorn and john

57. What do you want?
to be able to keep putting out and making records, playing shows and hopefully reaching some kind of an audience.

58. Favorite Car?
i really miss my green honda civic.

59. What T.V. show are you watching?
i'm not watching tv- i'm filling this out.

60. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
some lady from montreal who was asking me about some yarn.
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