Aug 11, 2005 02:25
Reaching into the only mind I have, pulling out the words that I can form, trying to view the style of my prose as a reflection of my unique talent or lack-there-of, but of uniqueness nonetheless..
trying to stop comparing, envying, imitating… striving towards acceptance of myself, from breathing to written form, from inner to outer voice - Anna, you are simply you, or complex as you may be, there still remains no suitable external standard by which you can judge yourself - because internally you are not equipped to make that judgement...
some are wiser, others less, some more talented, others harder-working, some you envy because they have an edge on you, others because you are too blind to recognize your own gifts - but all such comparisons are a mistake, for what you most surely do not have is the omniscient power that would be required to actually compare one person accurately with another.
So stop adding your “better thans” and detracting your “less thans” in an eternal attempt to calculate where you stand on the ladder of human worth - undoubtedly your calculations are wrong and so are better left unmade. Do, instead, what you can do, and that is be yourself, surely striving towards self-betterment, and picking up ideas wherever you can, but blessedly free of the knowledge of your own worth.