Jul 15, 2004 19:48
Dear friends,
I find that the answer to the above question comes to me with great ease. When I was young and unenlightened, I may have simply accepted this answer with no further thought. But as I grow older (and surely more wise), I can think upon my answer. Perhaps not change it, but reflect on it nonetheless.
This is my answer: I am a poet. It is my calling.
But my dear friends, I do not end here. I am a poet, but is this what I wish to be? The answer to this is yes. I often feel overwhelmed by my artistic obligation, but I have come to see that I would not have anything in its place.
However, I would perhaps do something in addition to my calling. Often I have envied my dear friend Delenn and her position as a diplomat, as I do so love working with people. This is why I propose that if any of you (particularly the young and less enlightened) have any questions or need advice from me, you may post them in response to this log. I do not claim to have all the answers, but I will try my best.
Neech sak schneck slem ba,
Shall Mayan
OOC: The beginning seems a bit too serious for Mayan. If you read it with her voice, though, it sounds appropriately dipsy. Please write in to the "Dear Mayan" column. You know it will be ridiculously fun!