It's not the way you see me [It's the way you let me down]

Jun 23, 2008 20:40

[Skeletons in the Closet]

"Sawyer, please stop." I sighed and she looked up at me from her computer. She looked rather confused, but more than amused.

"Come on, Finn, I'm doing homework, you can't expect me to shirk my educational duties for you."

I sighed again. She was impossible. "I didn't think I'd have to expect you would write a paper on vampires."

"Not vampires."

"Oh, my mistake. I didn't think I'd have to expect you would write a paper on me."

She rolled her eyes at me, looking bored already as if this conversation were exactly what she was expecting and I was saying exactly what she expected. Pardon me, for liking to maintain my and Charlotte's relative safety.

Whatever was I thinking?

"Huckleberry, don't be such a paranoid loser, no one is going to know it's you."

Somehow I didn't quite believe her. "Sawyer, Charlotte wouldn't speak to me for a month because I told you what we were. I told her you wouldn't tell anyone and that we could trust you."

"Are you scared I'll find something you don't want me to know?" She paused and looked at me harder. I hated it when she did that. "That it isn't it? You're scared I'm going to find something out that you won't tell me... You're such a wuss, Finn."

I stood up, pushing the chair back and crossing the floor quickly. She was slowly pushing my self-control to its breaking point. "We're leaving for the week. I'll see you when I'm back. Good luck with your paper."

The door wouldn't close fast enough and I had to lean against it heavily before I could control myself enough to walk through the dorm to my car.

For all I knew, Sawyer could have been lying. Maybe she was just looking it up for her own benefit. Maybe she was joking.

Regardless, it wasn't funny.

[who] phinnaeus jameson, [where] on_thecouch, [what] prompt, [who] sawyer thomas

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