(no subject)

Aug 12, 2006 20:48

Interesting things learned from re-reading Vintner's Luck.

1). Lucifer took away Xas' belt with him, after leaving pearls with Aurora.

2) Aurora kept them 20 years, Sobran gave them to Xas shortly before he died (years)

3). In Turkey, by the salt dome that leads to Hell, someone had a water pipe in to pump the water away. This water goes somewhere underground. (Is Lucifer keeping Xas' garden, now?)

This winter I went to the salt dome in Turkey. In the last twenty-five years they've increased production by several hundred tons a year. The evaporation ponds cover acres and are marked out at night by lights at each huge, clawed-together heap of dirty salt. I went to the place where I always hid my copper water vessels and found a pipe that vanished into the salt. I followed it back to the lake and asked some of the workers what it was for. A foreman told me that the Bey who owns the land employed an English engineer to build the pipe to siphon off the lake near the spring. Yes, this had exposed more salt pans. No, he didn't have any idea where the water went. Somewhere underground . . .

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