HAPPY LATE V-DAY, PPL! (^.^)b <33
I am, have always been, and will forever remain the queen and king of being TACTLESS. DD8
Srsly (o_o') I'm the one declaring how ugly emo-clothes are while standing in a group of emos, asking loudly about booze with the teacher standing right behind me, and accidentaly surfing poop-porn on the school computers. 8D (lol, all this actually happened within one month's time... cuz I'm SMOOTH like that.)
I just need to type this out somewhere XDDD YOU'RE ALL MORE THAN FREE TO SKIP.<3
I managed to do it once again today<3 The last few weeks, this really weird guy has been following me around EVERYWHERE in school (o_o) like, really STALKING. He tried to follow me to the restroom even (lol wut?)
He's some... mathematic genius, but he really can't communicate with ppl. XDD i really dont have the heart to tell him to fuck off... anyway.
Sum weeks ago, he added me on facebook. And his display picture XDDDDDDDDDDDDD LOLLOLLOL
He looks like James Bond in disguise of a bumble bee...... XDDDDD
I cracked up so hard, ofc I had to save it and show ppl. Then today, I was on the computer and going through my pictures (he was ofc hoovering behind my back) and then..... that picture came up in my work folder o__o'' he saw it, and we both just... froze. I SWEAR, I was like "ohshit ohshit ohshit DAMMIT" XDDD
Anyway, I thought he would figure out we were making fun of him, get hurt and stop following me. Not all bad.
On the contray, HE thinks that is a good pic.
Now, he's following me around even more TT_______________TT Wtf is wrong with him??
Help me? Someone?? x__x''
Mr..... plz just GTFO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, I promised Vidooru to get back here XDDD Happy now??
Any of you guys still awake? Alive? 8D Ohai!
There's no way I'll manage to read thru everything all you ppl have written since last, so I would love it if you just... updated me in the comments here XDD If there's anything going on or whatever that you think I should know about<33
Yallabai! 8D