no idea

May 02, 2013 14:37

I've thought about writing here for a few days, but I really have no idea what to put.  I've been AWOL from livejournal for so long that blogging just seems a moot point anymore.  I'm still struggling with my thesis..damn theoretical framework.  still working for the courts.  still raising my daughter alone.  Mom's still in school in TN.  Yup, not a lot of changes.  The only thing that's different is I gave up writing.  Not that it stops the voices in my head from giving me ideas at all hours.  Just can't seem to wrap my head around one idea and run with it, have too many scrambled up.
So here's what Axel said as we passed Dove Chase last week.
"Dove Chase, who'd want to spend their time chasing doves?"
And his brother, Dodge, responded by wapping him in the back of the head Gibbs style and telling him "not literal dove chases you moron!"
Then this morning I had a vamp and a kick ass bounty hunter take down a group of would be rapist...that was interesting.  The gang didn't even see it coming until there was only one man left standing...That's an interesting scene that I should really write out at some point.
Stryker keeps popping up from time to time wanting to play with electricity.  He's not really a pyro persay but he has this affinity for things that spark and he likes to show off whenever possible.
Oh and then here a week ago I had a new bunch show up, they are Teen Time Travelers, Jeremy, Kyle, Tamra, Kitty, and Red.  Red is a bit elusive, he likes to be all secretive and remind Kitty "you know I worked with the time hippies".  Still not quite sure what he means by that.  But I know he loves Kitty.
too many voices and not enough story.  Well, I can't forget Gryph and Clare and the ghost that likes to follow Gryph around.  turns out, she's his sister and she's not really a ghost, just kinda stuck in the inbetween and can't get out.  But she loves to be sarcastic and insult her brother ever chance she gets even though he can't hear her.  Did find out though that Gryph was so named by his mother because she wanted him to be something epic as a shifter.  And he is, in his own way, just not how his mother was hoping.  I'm not about to give away his secret yet, that would ruin a killer revelation should I ever finish their story.
and then there is my fanfiction....two stories are lingering out there that I really want to finish.  One is the dramione time travel story...Draco is a bit antsy to get out of his current situation there.  And the other well the prologue was only ever posted and it's a Hermione/Rabastan....they've been stirring in my head too.  I think one day I really need to sit down and start writing again.  I might feel better if I did.

stories, life

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