¤ The title says it all. I like changes. I get bored of a layout more or less quickly. And I'm picky so it always take me a while to find one I like.
So... new layout :) And for the first time a side header. Took me a few tries to get how it works but I did. I'm happy with myself.
¤ I ♥ bromance. It's the best.
They're adorkable.
BTW I'm a mod at
tomstudaily. So if you like Tom, go join now!
¤ I'm all caught up on the first season of The Vampire Diaries. I like it. It's entertaining enough. If some of you watch it, os there something like a Team Swiss in that fandom? lol
Now I need to get caught up on the last few episodes of "Pillars of the Earth". Red-haired period clothed Eddie Redmayne is delish...