Tell me something...

Dec 10, 2009 23:51

Christmas is getting close and I still haven’t done anything for it lol. I need to at least put up the tree since I still haven’t done it.
I need to get the Christmas card ready and then send them.
Work is going well, though it’s pretty tiring right now.

Brandi ( dksm ). I got your card and I love it…It’s so cute and funny. I totally loved it.

Now onto a little meme that endlesslyloved gave me. Warning: I ramble lol

Leave me a comment saying "Resistance is Futile" and I will respond by asking you five questions that satisfy my curiosity. Update your journal with the answers to the questions, including this in the post.

Her questions for me:

1. If you had to pick only one fandom that you couldn't live without which one would it be?
Probably still Grey’s anatomy…It’s still my main fandom, even though dear Shonda is making it harder and harder all the time to hold on…but what can I say…They still have my Paddy and Ellie on the show so I’m there…Let’s hope it gets better. I’m less active in it but I’m still in…Otherwise you’ll find me lurking in the Lost one, or Twilight (though I try to stear clear of the drama/crazies that fandom has). My older fandom and the ones I was most active in: Roswell and Alias.

2. Favorite rob/kristen picture?
Damn, that’s hard…they have such great pictures. *browse through her pictures* I have a few favorites…I think which one is my actual fav depends. My two favorite photoshoots were HB and VF…so right now I’d say my favorite photoshoot picture is this one

As for candids…yes I know I’m cheating since you said one *g* lol It would have to be this one…Not even because haters can’t say “pics or it didn’t happen” or some crap like that…It’s just because it’s awfully cute. They look all happy and relaxed..and it’s in Paris *sighs*…

3. Favorite moment from the Twilight saga either the books or movies? Why?
I think it’s probably the reunion in Italy (and the whole Volturi thing)…and despite the fact that I think she gave Bella everything way too easily in BD, I liked the ending and the HEA…Yes, I have some romantic tendencies (I wouldn’t admit it outloud lol).
In the movies, I liked the prom scene…and in NM, the reunion kiss and the school part in the beginning.

4. How'd you feel about the way Prison Break ended?
I wasn’t a huge PB fan when it started. I mean, I didn’t watch at first because I figured I wouldn’t like a prison show and such…but I kept hearing about it and I had some friends, in RL and online, that watched it and at some point I gave it a chance. And I loved the characters, the storylines…all of it..It had its bad moments, every show does…but I only started think “Fuck…I shouldn’t have watched this show…” when I saw the last episode (and not The final Break). I hate it…and despite their “oh…it was the only possible ending” or something like that…Michael deserved better (he was my favorite) and MiSa too, and the soapy…”oh but he didn’t die completely…look he left her a child” pissed me off…Everyone got a better ending than the two heroes, even guys like Kellerman or T-Bag…urgh…So to answer I loved the show but I really do not like the last episode…or its ending.

5. What do you like most about Edward Cullen?
Hmmm…Edward…What do I like most?...I’m not one to think he is perfect lol, far from it (despite SMeyer’s need to say it every two pages in the books), he does have some bad traits…but he is intriguing, because he is dark but still fights against it and his instincts and wants to be better…and I do like his protectivness and old-fashioned ways (when it’s not controlling lol) and that he would do anything for the people he loves…and I’ve always loved vampires (though I still wonder what SM was smoking when she created the sparkles *lmao*)

*Now waiting for Mareen's comments on the last one lol*

christmas, meme, me, flist love

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