In 100 years the world will look back in shame...

Jan 04, 2006 19:54

**Take Care** This is a long entry lol.

I found an article today that completely shocked me. I am a little tender on this subject considering my mother has had breast cancer...TWICE. She went the conventional route the first time like anyone else would, had dose after dose of chemotherapy and radiation that rotted her away. She went into remission and a few years later she had a relapse. The doctors told her she didn't have much time and the only thing they could do for her was ?stem cell transplant? (I can't remember, I will have to ask her) and they told her that it would only give her 6 more months to live and she would be in pain for all of the 6 months. She decided to go home and show her children how to die with dignity. That was 5 years ago... she had an anonymous e mail sent to her for an alternative to dealing with cancer. And it is the most simple thing in the world. And yet it is sold in every country except for one... can anyone think of what that "great" country is?? Yep you guessed it... the good ol' USA. Of course the only reason why it is illegal in the US is because they can not patent it.. it is a natural food. A seed. Apricot Seeds (It has vitamin B-17 in it). So they try and sythetically make a drug out of it so they can make money off of it. Of course what happens when man tinkers around with shit? He FUCKS it up. There are traces of cyanide in it but in such small amounts you would have to eat a 50 lb back just to get a little sick off of it. You take the seeds along with an enzyme and lateral ( A pure form of Vitamin B-17) every day. My mother is still taking this and waiting to be killed by the cyanide. (A little dry humor..) Cyanide is in Johnson grass... a type of grass that is on my parents property. Vitamin B-17 is also in it. The only time the horses can not eat it is when it freezes, that is when the cyanide is more potent in the grass. An old horse of ours had a tumor growing on the side of his troat and my mom let him out were there was the most johnson grass and the tumor was gone in a few months.

Oh and did anyone know that if you have a child in the United States and they get cancer, they MAKE you give that child chemotherapy and radiation before you can seek alternative methods?? And if you refuse treatment they TAKE your child away from you?? And then after they pump these poor children full of drugs and of course it doesn't work they tell their families to bring them home to die. Some parents will then bring them somewhere for alternative treatments but they have to undo all of the effects from the Chemo/Radiation AND the fucking cancer. So if the child dies the conventionalists point their fingers at the alternative methods and says they are to blame. All I know is if I ever have a child and he/she gets cancer... I will leave the fucking country.

So when articles like this come out it gets me more than a little tiffed....

Treatment Is Found to Stave Off Ovarian Cancer

Published: January 4, 2006

A treatment rarely used for ovarian cancer, pumping chemotherapy directly into the abdominal cavity, can add 16 months ( WOW 16 months? here take my $50,000 and my life) or more to the lives of many women with advanced cases of the disease, doctors report in a study.

Medical practice should change immediately to reflect new findings from a study being published in the New England Journal of Medicine, as well as the results of several earlier studies, cancer experts say.

Currently, most women receive chemotherapy intravenously. They should still do so, but many should get the drugs abdominally as well. The combined treatment should be offered to every woman who meets the medical criteria for it, and doctors who cannot provide it should refer women to clinics that can, the cancer experts say, adding that patients should ask their doctors about it.

The treatment employs two generic drugs already in wide use for ovarian cancer, paclitaxel and cisplatin. (Baaaad shit)

The National Cancer Institute is taking the unusual step of issuing a "clinical announcement" to encourage doctors to use the abdominal treatment. (A new money maker... of course they will encourage it) Such announcements are few and far between: they are made when a readily available treatment can lead to a big increase in survival. The last time the institute took this kind of action was in 1999, to publicize a major advance in cervical cancer.

"We want to use the bully pulpit of the National Cancer Institute to say that patients and doctors need to be aware of this information," said Dr. Edward Trimble of the cancer institute. He and other cancer experts said that a survival increase of more than a year was extraordinary for any type of cancer, and that new drugs were often approved on the basis of much smaller gains.

The institute is posting its announcement on the Internet at, along with a list of medical centers experienced in providing the abdominal treatment. Information can also be obtained by telephone from its Cancer Information Service, 1-800-4-CANCER.

Several professional groups for doctors and nurses specializing in cancer treatment, as well as a patient advocacy group, supported the new recommendations.

"It's really the best news we've had in some time" about ovarian cancer, said Dr. Richard Barakat, chief of gynecologic oncology at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York. He predicted that the announcement by the cancer institute would lead to widespread changes in treatment. ( I don't see how these people sleep at night)

"Advanced ovarian cancer is a bad disease," Dr. Barakat said. "Many patients don't do well. When you have a study that shows a 16-month prolongation of median survival, that's a big deal."

Dr. Maurie Markman, vice president for clinical research at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, and a spokesman for the American Society for Clinical Oncology, said: "This is how long somebody actually lives. It isn't clearer than this. It's a major advance."

The new recommendations are based in part on the study in The New England Journal of Medicine. But that study is the third major one in a decade to show benefits from abdominal chemotherapy, also known as intraperitoneal, or IP treatment. The new study had the clearest and most definitive results, researchers said. The cancer institute said five other smaller studies had also supported IP treatment.

The new study, led by Dr. Deborah K. Armstrong of the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center, included 415 patients treated at 40 hospitals in the United States. Most were 41 to 70 years old, and all had had surgery to remove the cancer. About half the women, 210, were picked at random to get intravenous therapy, and 205 received both intravenous and IP treatment. Patients getting IP treatment had devices and tubing implanted in the abdomen to pipe in the chemotherapy. They received a total of six treatments, given once every three weeks. Basically, the procedure soaks the tumors in the powerful cancer-killing drugs.

In the intravenous group, the median survival was 49.7 months, but it was 65.6 months in the IP group - a difference of 15.9 months.

Median survival is the time at which half the patients are still alive. Conversely, in this study it means that in the intravenous group, half had died by 49.7 months, but it took 15.9 months longer for half to die in the IP group.

"This is the longest reported survival to date in a randomized trial in ovarian cancer," Dr. Armstrong said. "It's not a magic bullet, but it's another step forward."

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