Sep 29, 2009 16:42
So, I've been trying to ignore the oh so helpful trainer on the WiiFit. I really wish there was a way to disble the helpful hints after each section. Also inside, although sometimes those do tell me if I am correct or not.
But I get annoyed at it asking me why I think I gained 1.5 lbs in a few days. Especially since given that I am a woman I do have monthly cycles and the amount of water I am retaining at any one point can fluctuate. 1.5 lbs???? And it is asking me if I am eating too much or what have you.
And then there is the whole BMI thing. I have problems with those charts to begin with ; let alone how I always measure on them. (That water thing again). But a thought did occur to me. My bone mass and proportions are for someone 5'4" -- but I am only 5'2" since I am petite. As in, my arms and legs (and therefore bones and their mass) are for someone taller than me. I am just shorter in my spine to make me petite. Am I being nit picky in thinking that it would affect my BMI charts? (I get sick of seeing that pudgy Mii).
The thing is, I could lose 30 lbs, and that BMI is still whacked. (I know, I was 30 lbs lighter just under 2 years ago and the BMI measurer at my Curves gym still marked me as obese.)
wii fit