Yesterday I did some stuff around the house, posted some new beadwork to
Beadwork at BellaOnline and caught up on some reading. Plus working out some electronic stuph.
Currently I have a couple things in various contests if you'd like to take a look.
Slogan at, sign into Threadless to vote.
Cocktail fabric voting at Spoonflower, I'm very sure I won't win. There are some amazing designs in this contest. Go take a look and vote for your favorites! I think I wound up voting for 14. One of my favorite contests yet and I don't drink very often.
When I do drink, it's mostly locally produced micro-brews and just one, but we are going to try and go on a tour of the local mead brewery next weekend for my birthday. This weekend we are going to the local Saturday Market. Yay! The company my kids love best won't be there until next month, but it will still be grand.