Apr 30, 2009 10:29
I'm not posting this week's poll on the basis that.. well.. most you only know one of the characters in it. Which gives him this huge advantage since so many of you think he's sexy.
It's Wolverine vs. Deadpool, and we both voted for Deadpool. Absolutely. Deadpool loves duct tape and Bea Arthur. *comforts Deadpool in her mind* Plus.. both of them tend to lose their heads, or at least both did recently.
So.. last week..
6/4 Mr. Clean. I voted for Mr. Clean too, the Brawny Man reminds me entirely too much of a 70s cop show cop, or what would happen if The Village People had a lumberjack.
8/2 Care Bears also my vote. I mean really.. can you imagine all the very serious members of the Avengers hit with Care Bear love? They would regress back to Stan Lee type corniness and silliness. They would be the new grown up version of the Power Pack.
9/1 Dread Pirate Roberts- Dread Pirate Roberts actually got a unanimous vote from my family. I wasn't really expecting E to vote for him, but she did.
So.. here's one that goes out to girls pretty much only..
See.. I don't wear makeup often. Really. I do shave, I do perfume.. but makeup? In my schedule and lifestyle it doesn't work. I'm trying to decide if I'm going to wear makeup to meet an old friend tomorrow night. She's a lady I used to work with and always sort of intimidated me a bit. I like her a lot, but.. I'm sort of a bit insecure around her. So I really suspect that because of that, I'll wear makeup even though I usually wouldn't just to go to the book store. We shall see. I also wear more of my own jewelry when I'm feeling very insecure. It's sort of a way of reminding myself "I created this, I've got talent and ability."