Feb 03, 2008 21:20
F. is for frederick on friday night
R. is for the red car that got us there
E. is for experiencing my first hookah bar
D. is for danny :)
E. is for energy shots, six hour ones to be exact
R. is for a really fun saturday night there too
I. is for intoxication that didnt happen and didnt matter
C. is for christopher, the brother i met
K. is for all the kind people i met down there
M. is for moo moo
A. is for all the whispers
R. is for really tight gyms and mansions
Y. is for yellow lights we blew right by
L. is for the La Paz
A. is for all the lyrics that expressed situations
N. is for not enough time
D. is for damn where did my weekend go :/
In a few years, I want to live in frederick. I fell in love with it over the weekend, Waldorf just depresses me now.