This is going to end up in a cold war.
(Please forgive this awful english of mine…again & again & again. D: )
We had to draw 2 natures mortes, juxtapose them and had fun highlighting some parts of it. Obviously unfinished one, but I kind of had fun drawing it (notably the hen) and adding randomly some colours on it.
It looks a bit weird, in fact.
We had to re-draw a famous painting and I chose "La Toilette" by Toulouse-Lautrec (because it's an awesome one). This man became one of my favorite painters while I was drawing this.
They called it a psychedelic version of La Toilette, it's so weird to colour something done with oil with watercolours.
But it was really really fun and I like it, in the end.
We had to draw some marionnettes and they were pretty creepy (I've never really liked marionnettes). The right one is a colonist and the left one some kind of old french teacher.
So, I added some crazy colours (as always) and it thus looks strange.
Well, my dear Layton & some kind of tegaki stuff you can find
here...and an other "useless" thing with a mockingbird (rather a simple bird though). It was actually fun to draw, I should draw Layton with some birds more often (with some blue).
My dear Layton and Allan. I tried to finish it, to draw Layton's hand grabbing Allan's (future) shirt and Allan's arms, hair and clothes. But I'm apprently unable to finish a drawing. Anyway, my very first idea was to draw something inspired by this
photo because these adorable cats senselessly reminded me of Layton and Allan.
I like it, in the end and I love these 2. (Even if I spent soo much time on it.)
This is the one I'm currently working on. Layton, you look like a lost little cat. For now, I've only drawn Layton's head, I'll add Allan later on the left.
Hope I'll draw Allan's hair this time (let's first draw his head, also).
Some Maths stuff and probably another randomly born Layton's face, I guess.
Again. I like to draw random turned-up noses also.
Sita's OCs, Maxence & Marianne, I drew them for her birthday.
These 2 were really lovely to draw (notably the necktie :D).
(I hadn't drawn girls for a while.)
Cajoline's OC Frieden, she asked for her at the former post's freesketches (this is one of the only free sketch I’ll draw in my life).
She was really fun to draw with her loong hair, and I added some kind of octopus on her belt buckle (for fun).
We had to draw one of us who was sitting in the middle of the room. I arrived pretty late so I could only draw one person.
Some kind of random Layton's faces & turned-up noses drawn on a piece of wallpaper.
It was fun, I think I drew it at Lilie's birthday last year.
(The words in the bubble are so intelligent.)
I think I wanted to draw something related to Batman's universe. It's Tim, because he's my favorite robin (I've got cliché tastes, but he's so cute ;_; ). Well, I liked the sketch but it looks soo weird partly coloured and it's full of mistakes (Tim's eyes...arg). I should try to finish it one day (to finish the sketch first, maybe).
Watercolours on the bubble were fun to add though.
My dear Layton and Allan my friend Marie drew for my birthday. They look so great, I'm totally in love with this wonderful drawing and she made me so happy with it . ;_;
An awesome gift from my friend Lilie. I love it so much, it's a family of foxes playing on a sunday afternoon in a wild and unknown land.
Birthday (awesome) gifts.
My dear Layton by Our. She was doing requests and since I'm a spoilt child I asked another time for Layton.
Thus, she drew this wonderful one.
A pretty cool freesketch of Layton by Puck. :D
I received Tramway 's last fanzine and Kya drew a lovely Layton on the envelope. <3
Here is the wonderful dedication she drew. It's her OCs Wanda and Isaac.
My dear Layton by Elyann. We had an art trade, I drew Georgia and she drew me this beautiful drawing of Layton in turn.
A surprise lovely drawing of Layton by Cajoline. I'm so in love with it and all its cute details. ;_;
Hm...nothing special to add, as always.
I'm, most of the time, really tired & busy with school (but I like what we study though). I didn't think I would be able to be slower at drawing, but I've proved myself the contrary lately. Anyway, that's not a new thing.
Anyway, thanks for watching people & take care.