My name is Rachel, I'm twenty years old and live in California. If you have the strong urge to find out more about me, you'll have to go through a rigorous screening process. Or comment here, I'm not very picky. However, keep in mind:
-This is my journal, my little corner of the internet, my safe haven. If what I say bothers you, then you can just shove off. I'm about as easy-going as it gets, and if you're annoyed by my opinions, then quite frankly, I don't want to know you. I usually don't appreciate disclaimers like this because I'm optimistic and would hope that people are intelligent enough not to need them, but there you have it.
-Make some effort to get to know me. Friending me is not enough. I make friends for life, I make a point of reading all my friends' entries and I comment when I can, though being a student I sometimes fall behind. But I always catch up. I expect you to do the same, it's common courtesy.
-I don't bite, really. Enjoy your visit, and hopefully you'll stay :)