Oct 14, 2023 15:03
No eclipse visibility for me today! Here in my region, we would only see just a bit of it--like a bite taken out of a cookie--but we have been denied even that. It's a snotty, gloomy, drizzly day. Not ideal for eclipse-gawking, but perfect for staying inside and Getting Shit Done.
Which I've been doing, whilst catching up on some of my favorite podcasts... one of which is called Betwixt the Sheets, which is tremendously entertaining as well as being super-informative. I've learned a lot about the more salacious side of human history from that podcast, but it's not just that--it's pretty legit. The host, Kate Lister, is a well-informed historian, and her guests are always interesting and equally as knowledgeable in their subject areas of expertise. It's smart, funny, and also a bit filthy. Ticks all my boxes.
So I've been contentedly listening and beavering away at my tasks. I took the second "stunt typewriter" out of the silicone mold to finish drying/curing, and pressed in a new one. I've been assembling odds and ends still needed for the show. And, in a bit, I am going to go to the grocery store and get the stuff for the meatloaf (we need an edible meatloaf for this show... ugh) as well as the ingredients for the potato soup, which I plan to get up early tomorrow and make. I should do some laundry tonight, as well, and go over the props plot yet again to make sure I haven't missed anything. I'm sure I have--and I'm sure we'll still be nitpicking it until the show opens.
Between tech week for the show and prepping for the trial next week, I'm sure by the time I drag myself across the finish line, I'll feel like a piece of chewed string. So, I'm going to enjoy tonight, which may be my last quiet night until 10/25. Yes, seriously.
There is hot spiced apple wine in my future. I think it's a good night for that; it'll take some of the chill off.