
Oct 26, 2010 22:30


.mun related questions.

Raphaelia or Ella will do.


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Something cute

.character related questions.

Raivis Galante

Republic of Latvia



He graduated from high school and completed 2 years of college and finishing his core classes and was working on business.


No. He really needed a job (and money) and when he got the offer to work at Nation Corp, he took it.

SKILLS: He is really good with organization and is very creative. What he can't express in words, he will express in his work. He is also a very determined hard worker.

Raivis is an introverted and withdrawn young man. He is very loyal and hard working but when asked his opinion on certain matters or trying to give advice to others, he will begin to shake and stutter and will not be able to say what he wanted to say. Even so, he still harbors a sense of pride for who he is and he will try to stand up for himself, even if he does fail in the end.

He is also enjoys reading poetry and romance novels in an attempt to cheer himself up after a bad day. In the past, he has done things that seemed like perfectly good ideas at the time that turned sour fast and thus he tends to avoid situations like that.

Because he is kind of a weakling he would usually be around which ever person nearby that seem stronger than he is for protection. Like in his school years, he hung around people who were stronger than the bullies. Even though he is generally a shut-in by nature, he does long to be friends with other people without the fear of being teased but sadly, other people don't seem very interested in letting Raivis be any closer to them than what they are. But he does at least try become friends with others with varying degrees of success.

Raivis also has the tendency of saying too much for his own good. Especially when he gets nervous. He'll say things that could get him in trouble with people. He just can't help it though.

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Raivis has messy blond hair and violet eyes. He always wears a suit to work and the only time he wears casual clothes is at home or in public.He is also very short for his age which causes people to think that he is younger than he really is.

Raivis was born in Latvia three years before Latvia's independence from the Soviet Union. Both his mother and father were clerks that worked in a government-owned company in Riga. After the independence, his parents lost their government jobs and had a had time finding new and stable jobs. Because of this, Raivis's childhood was sort of hard but his parents made sure he had every thing he needed. But because of his parents frustrations and fights over their situation, he grew jumpy and nervous around loud noises and grew very timid around people.

Finally, his father got involved with a growing bank company and worked his way up through the country. His mother took a job as an operator telecommunications company.

Thanks to his father's business deals and his promotions, Raivis and his family lived a comfortable middle class life in Latvia and he went to a good school. However because of his demeanor and his love of poetry, he was teased and picked on by some of his fellow students. He didn't let this bother him much, and worked hard in school and came out at the top of his class. He didn't have many friends in school because he tended to keep to himself and he also got into trouble with some of the kids because of his mouth. When he started to talk to them, he couldn't stop and at the end got punched because of something he said.

During his summers, his mother would send him to country to stay with his grandmother where he learned how to love poetry and romance novels which soon became all he ever read. While he was there he had a bad an encounter with a sheep that bit him on the head while he was trying to petting him, he has a fear of sheep.

Then his life came crashing down when the economy went sour in Latvia and his father's bank fired him. His father then fell into a slump and started drinking. Even though his father had a huge savings and they were soon strapped for cash because he would just spend the money on booze and gambling. His mother took another job as a waitress to help pay the bills and for Raivis's college fees. She wouldn't allow him to work saying that she wanted him to focus on his education. Even so, Raivis began to take odd jobs such as cleaning to help his mother out. Because of the stress of school and his home life, he started to drink as well, but not in the same degree as his father.

Finally, he landed a job working at a flower shop where he worked until the business went under as well. He tried to find other work but failed to do so. Also, he had to leave college because he could no longer pay.

He moved to America in hopes that he would have better luck with finding a job there to help his family back home until things got better there and that he could finish his degree in America.

**The history is of Latvia's surge of prosperity, renewed vigor to remember some of the old traditions that were repressed during Soviet rule and becoming a center of telecommunications. Latvia's wild investments and banking procedures after its independence in 1991 lead to it to become a rapidly growing middle class and wealthy country. However, because of these procedures and investments it lead to its severe financial crisis, high unemployment, renewed alcoholism in its hopeless and depressed citizens that happened in 2008-2010. Many of Latvia's young people had to take low paying jobs to help their families out and pay for their college fees.


. roleplay samples .

[Raivis jumped in his seat when he heard a loud bang and a loud curse from down the hall. The old printer must have given out again. ]

D-Do they have to keep hitting it l-like that? T-That just makes the problem w-worse.

[He let out a sigh before continuing typing up his report. Suddenly the computer made a weird sound and cut off.]

W-What? T-That's strange...

[He turned it back on and it started up normally so Raivis figured it was okay. Until he tried to pull up what he was working on before the crash. The file was saying that it was corrupted. He tried to open the copy on his USB drive, but that one wouldn't open either.]

C-Come on w-work. Open please?

[He started to freak out. He had worked on this all morning. Now both the file on the computer and on his USB drive wouldn't open.]

I-I guess I have to email someone to help me r-recover this.

[He hit the side of his computer in frustration.]

Raivis was running around his apartment, dusting and straightening it up. He had just moved into it two months before after using most of his savings to pay for it. Lucky for him, the apartment came with its own furniture so he didn’t have to spend more money to buy some. He did buy some things to make his apartment more like the home he left back in Latvia, like a small and cheap desk and bookshelf.

The only reason why he was cleaning now was because the landlady was supposed to coming by for her weekly inspection of the place and to make sure he was following the rules. He didn't have to dust and clean the apartment since he had did that the day before, but he was very nervous because she was very picky. The old landlady scared him a little. She was shorter than him but very intimidating. He got the feeling that she didn’t like him very much because she would hit him with her cane every time he tried to help her do something. Also, she kept forgetting his name, where he was from and kept calling him “That Russian boy that that doesn't know when to shut up.” or just "Boy." Every time he corrected her and tell her his name, she would brush him off saying that his accent made him sound Russian. And as long as he paid his rent, she didn't care what his name was or where he came from.

She was very difficult to deal with.

The only thing he did like about her was that she knew where the nearest bookstore was and loved Romance novels too. He also got on her bad side when he accidentally threw away what he thought was garbage but was was actually scrap her metal art.

'Well she had it outside the building next to some garbage cans! H-how was I supposed to know it was art?' he thought to himself. He also found out that what he thought were garbage cans were a part of the sculpture as well.

It also didn't help that she made him nervous and he couldn't stop talking around her. And he ended up offending her in someway at the end of it.

He finished dusting and moved to cleaning his kitchen, which was the only lively place in his apartment. It was the only room that gets direct sunlight and it was the perfect place for him to place his flowers. Two weeks after he had moved into his new apartment, his grandmother sent him a letter with daisy seeds for him to plant so they could remind him of home. He had planted the seed and they were sprouting in some small flower pots on the window sill. Ever since she sent the seeds, she would send him more things in the mail, like two spotted lady bug stationary and pens (“So that the Goddess Mara will help protect you along with God.”)* and other ladybug things to put around his apartment. She also asked him in her letters to write more about America and his job and for him to do his best there. His mother also said the same thing in her letters.

The last parts of their letters always struck a cord within him. "Do your best." It always reminded him why he left Riga in the first place. He had to do his best here so that he could help his mother and father back home. It wasn't for him but it was for them.

There was a loud banging on his door and then a loud voice came from the other side. It was the landlady. “Hey Raivis or Richard or whatever your name is. Open the door, it’s time for your inspection! Don’t make me have to use my key to open it!”

Raivis sighed and stopped his cleaning and walked over to open the door. He just has to endure this just for a little while longer, just until he can find a better place to live.

*Two spotted ladybugs are Latvia’s national insect and is named after and associated with the Latvian Earth Goddess Mara. They represent strength and luck.

This will NOT be evaluated as part of your application but is just a test to see if you understand what a BBS post is.

I really hate to bother you but could you come over and help fix my computer? You don't have you come if you are too busy but I would really like it if you could. I was just working on it and it just crashed and now I can't open the file that I was working on before. It is saying that it is corrupted.

Thank you in advance,

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