With the right people...

Jun 05, 2006 10:49

I love being the most myself. So far, Jarad, Frankie, and I guess Nyssa are the only ones I've let myself go with. It's easy with Frankie cause she's the same way.

Nyssa: sup, homeslice
Me: nothing. being tired. looking at my backyard and imagining something fun to do with it.
Nyssa: cartwheels?
Me: that could be one. i prefer round-offs.
Nyssa: oh? why is that?
Me: i get to be in the air for a period of time.
Nyssa: hmm
Nyssa: this is why we need hovercars and jetpacks
Me: i just want wings. hovercars and jetpacks would restrain me.
Nyssa: but we were promised hovercars and jetpacks!
Me: you can get your hovercars and jetpacks and doohickeys that you kids like these days
Me: i go for the classics
Me: wings are the way of the past
Nyssa: but we've never had wings :-(
Nyssa: and i don't know where you think you're getting them
Nyssa: unless...
Nyssa: cyborg?
Me: i'm going into genetics, fool.
Me: i can alter my dna as i please. it's mine.
Me: i will grow wings.
Nyssa: can you involve nanobots somehow
Me: no. strict dna alterations. i want wings made out of skin and my own feathers.
Nyssa: can you produce feathers already?!
Me: do you doubt my abilities?
Nyssa: no
Nyssa: but i want wings too
Me: well, for a fair price, i can see what i could do...
Nyssa: oooh
Nyssa: free haircuts for the rest of your life?

Me: hmmm
Me: i would really rather have your ovaries
Nyssa: they're yours
Me: YES!
Nyssa: uh oh
Nyssa: i don't know how that's going to fly with the conservatives
Me: they better get used to it
Me: the bird people will rule
Me: and if someone has a dissenting view on the matter, they can just be flown to iraq
Me: by the bird people
Nyssa: i like iraq, though
Me: then you can be flown there as well
Me: we can use the bird people to make a profit
Me: who needs planes?
Me: we have bird peopel
Me: people*
Nyssa: but planes protect from weather
Nyssa: and they're really fast
Me: but you don't have to sit next to very large men in the bird people basket
Me: thus
Me: bird people > plane
Nyssa: so will the bird people be very strong?
Me: yes; i shall inject them with testosterone
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