here's a brief story of my day

Dec 15, 2007 20:47

WnnaBreatheYouIn: heres the story of today
WnnaBreatheYouIn: i went to the art building at 2:30 to work on my stuff
WnnaBreatheYouIn: and while i was there it started snowing
WnnaBreatheYouIn: and i was gonna go to dinner at 5 but i really wanted to get it done and i didnt think i'd be there for 6 hours
WnnaBreatheYouIn: plus i didnt want my paint to dry while i was gone and then i'd have to remix it all
WnnaBreatheYouIn: so
WnnaBreatheYouIn: i stayed
WnnaBreatheYouIn: and 6:30 loomed around
WnnaBreatheYouIn: and i decided i'd just go to mcdonald's after i finished since the dining commons closes at 7:15
WnnaBreatheYouIn: and i didnt think i'd be that much longer
WnnaBreatheYouIn: 8:15 comes around and i finally finish
WnnaBreatheYouIn: i go outside
WnnaBreatheYouIn: snow all over the place
WnnaBreatheYouIn: the road looked bad but there were cars on it so i decided i'd give it a shot since its not that far
WnnaBreatheYouIn: and
WnnaBreatheYouIn: well thats about as interesting as it gets
WnnaBreatheYouIn: i didnt crash
WnnaBreatheYouIn: thank God
WnnaBreatheYouIn: but i'm snowed in here with no food
WnnaBreatheYouIn: i'm not about to drive all the way to mcd's
WnnaBreatheYouIn: sad
WnnaBreatheYouIn: all i have is icecream and cheese
WnnaBreatheYouIn: but i'm gonna eat it
WnnaBreatheYouIn: cuz i'm hungry
WnnaBreatheYouIn: and i like cheese
WnnaBreatheYouIn: and icecream
WnnaBreatheYouIn: not together though

and here's what took me 6 hours. well more than that, cuz i also worked on it for like 3 or 4 class periods.  or maybe even 5
we had to find a painting in some art magazine:

and a random object in the room:

and we had to sketch out all the shapes and silhouettes of the object and use the shapes to recreate the painting:

here, see them side by side!


its not an exact color match obviously, but i'm pretty proud of it!  that sucker was hard

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