Jan 07, 2007 19:58
Be My Valentine in 3-D!
This is the third annual Be My Valentine contest. For those of you who don’t know, for the last 3 years now I have held the Be My Valentine contest to find a “Valentine” for Valentine’s Day. A few things are different this year, so every one should be paying attention now. New item #1: This year instead of receiving some nice little things, the winner will get a date with me AROUND (doesn’t have to be on) Valentine’s Day. (If you’re on the fence, think free meal :-) ) New item #2: In the past, my decision was based SOLELY on what was on paper…your answers to the following. This year however, the contest goes 3-D as I will also consider things I already know about you, or don’t know about you, including personality, interests, history, etc. Now, don’t get discouraged if you don’t know me well or at all, because that may work more in your favor rather than against you. All questions are optional, and I ask nothing I wouldn’t answer myself, so feel free to ask me of the same. Answers will be kept strictly confidential.
In no way would winning imply that we would be dating or even necessarily interested in each other. Winning simply means 1 date. What happens after is up to chance. So, don’t worry about things getting weird and/or complicated.
Why am I doing this? Well, first of all, I have nothing to lose. This year though, I’m looking to show some one that there is another side to me. A lot of the people I know these days know me from work where I’m very professional, and even my friends these days have really not hung out with me in a one on one setting and gotten to really know me. Be My Valentine also gives any one who may like me a chance to put themselves out there. I guess another reason I do it is to have some one to pay attention to on what would other wise be a lonely holiday for me.
Why should you do this? You should do this if you’re interested in getting to know me better, or if you’re interested in me. You may find out where I stand with you as well. If all else fails, just do it for a free meal and/or a way to avoid your own Valentine’s Day loneliness.
So, what are you waiting for? Get started and good luck.
Entries are due by 4pm the day before Valentine’s Day.
Marital status:
School and grade (if applicable):
Hobbies (including extra-curricular activities past and present):
Future aspirations (and location):
Favorite color:
Have you ever…
Drank alcohol:
Done drugs:
Had sex:
Cheated on some one:
Do you…
Drink alcohol:
Do drugs:
Have kids:
Plan on having a family one day:
Pick one:
President Bush/a monkey:
Plans in advance/Last minute plans:
Clubs/Small parties:
Nice guys/Tough guys:
Cut grapefruit in half/Eat it like an orange:
Thin/Thick crust pizza:
Going out/Staying in:
Short Answer: (or long, you decide)
Do you have your health? (physical and mental)
What’s one of the biggest (or the biggest) obstacles you’ve over come in your life?
Any regrets?
Reason for filling out this survey:
Reason I should choose you:
What would be your perfect date?