
Jan 17, 2007 23:38

so i'm moving back home in about a month, hopefully only for a couple months then gabe and i will find a place down there.

also, i've decided to go to the culinary school in pasadena...partially because the highlight of my sorry existence right now is "curry tuesdays" and watching Top Chef. *and making hummus at work which everyone says is the best!

seriously curry is the best food ever, i found out yesterday that it boosts endorphin levels, awesome, huh?

so i think i'll become a chef and try to work in a hotel in asia or the middle east and learn to cook the perfect curry.

so next month i'm going to take arabic, japanese, and french at pcc

and in fall i'll start at the culinary school.

and i'm seriously going to stick to this one this time, for realsies!

when i'm done my dad can easily get me in for an interview for some disney resort and yeah...

also i want to pitch a show to food network or the travel chanel called curry around the world or search for the best curry ever, harhar...seriously though.

maybe the bbc, the brits love curry.

so see you soon mai, amber, and tony!

plus: Tony are you stil gonna do the culinary school thing? cause then we might be classmates again!
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