A Day of Rest
We decided to stay in Tattopanni as planned and just hang out for 24 hours. Ian wanted to check out the hotsprings, something I had no interest in (sitting in a big bath with strangers and all their germs - eeew), but I was more than happy to just sit in the garden of the tea-house and read my book for the day.
The village sits in a gorge and is a pleasant enough place when the sun manages finally to rise high enough to warm it up.
Tattopanni mainstreet
View up the gorge
Tattopanni mainstreet
We weren't particularly happy with our bedroom in the tea-house, but the garden was so nice and the food was so good, we decided to just let it slide.
The tea-house where we stayed
The tea-house garden
I was fascinated to see that ponsettias in Nepal are bloody huge trees as opposed to the little pot-plants that appear in the shops at Christmas. They looked beautiful, especially in the garden of the tea-house where they were interplanted with orange trees. The oranges were ripe and we were allowed to pick them as we wanted - yum.
Ponsettia tree
Anyway, I had a lovely relaxing day, reading in the garden in the sun while Ian lolled about in the hotsprings. My leg muscles were really aching after the ascent the previous day. Even Ian, who's so fit it's disgusting, was complaining about stiffness in his calf muscles. He maintained the soak he had in the hotsprings helped them, but nothing was going to coax me in there.