Two orders of business today. First of all, my drabble for this month.
Title: By Any Other Name
Play: Twelfth Night
Pairing/characters: Olivia/Viola, Sebastian, Orsino
Rating: PG
Word Count: 140
Prompt(s) used: Mooning
Summary: Olivia accidentally uses the wrong name.
Author's Notes: I wrote this quickly and guiltily. I thought I ought to have some sort of prompt for the drabble community I started.
The first time Olivia called him Cesario, Sebastian dismissed it. It was a simple slip of the tongue, nothing more.
It happened less as time went on. Olivia called him Sebastian.
Sebastian was pleased that she had accepted him. She seemed perfectly happy with the twin of the ‘man’ she had fallen in love with.
He did notice that she seemed more distant than she had been when they first met. She went through the motions of daily life, but her mind wasn’t really there.
They remained very good friends with Duke Orsino and Viola. It took Olivia some time to get used to seeing Viola in women’s clothes, but eventually she accepted it.
When Olivia accidentally called him Viola, Sebastian realized that this marriage had been as much of a mistake for her as it had been for him.
1. word prompt- Apples
2. song prompt*-
Lookin' Through The Window by the Jackson Five
3. random Shakespearean insult**- "Better have burnt that tongue than said so." Henry VIII- III. II. 253-54
A few orders of business.
First of all, please be sure to use the heading specified in the profile. For handy reference, I have used it up where I list the information for my drabble.
Secondly, do you people want to try some sort of contest thing? Like what they do in
dracoharry100? We could do Montagues vs. Capulets, or something. What do you think?
Thirdly, feel free to suggest prompts by replying to this!
Alright, that's it. Go forth and drabble!
* Chosen in the very scientific way of putting my iTunes playlist on Shuffle and taking what I get unless it sucks.
** Shakespearean insult taken from the book Shakespeare's Insults: Educating Your Witt edited by Wayne F. Hill and Cynthia J. Ottchen.