Jan 03, 2010 23:30
WOW this is a long time since i have written here. So writing about anime/manga but its been a while since written in it so putting top 3 favorite flaw anime drawing series but has a unique story in it. Makes me think of flaw comic books in cheesy cartoon flights but has a very serious side in it that like to hear a lot.
Top 3 anime/manga with flaws typical drawings, it has a unique and plot twist story that i like hearing again:
1. Sailor Moon (hey moonie fan come on!!!! Typical power ranger but in sailor outfits with cutsie girls fighting a typical monster of the day in funny powers. Then later on find out how they came to be and are reincarnation of moon kingdom who died and are reborn in earth to finish the job fighting the villian from a long time ago. But whats also interesting they died again when the job was done and were reborn again and not remember a thing at all and who were friends. SAD but do remember in rest of the series yeahhhh)
2. Ruriouni Kenshin (a typical guy who fights sooo well who can beat bad guys easily (bad guys who look like villian cartoons of x men mutants). so yeah typical hero but NOPE. Not a hero in the best with great abilities but a huge assassain where he used to came from and ran away to invent himself with a very tragic past that broought a cross scar on his cheek. Yes a cheek that happens to be the most depressing thing that feel of guilt that will won't be fade away. sounds phony but its not. Anime is good but the 3rd season SUCKS BAD)
3. Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle (ok typical cute love story of Sayoran and Sakura (typical cutsie eyes) about to say they love each other but oops princess in trouble when her soul feathers are gone and spread other dimensions. AT first it sounded pretty sweet of loving each other in a nice way and what got to me when Sayoran hold Sakura body and what to pay the witch to help on the journey is when complete on the journey collecting the feathers, Sakura won't remember the memories with Sayoran they had together including the time when about to say i love you. Man tragic way to say that seriously. IT times to get a typical traveling with three sidekicks one magician, warrior and wierd rabbit (lol) in different dimensions to find the feathers but when get to Tokyo, thats when started to like it even more. Sayoran starts to act strange since no idea where he comes from and we start to realize why acts pretty odd sometimes inside losing one of his eyes sight. As soon find out He's a CLONE to the other Sayoran who was trapped by the villian for years and he placed an eye to the clone to have a heart since its job was to collect the feather for the villian. also find out Sakura is also a clone to the villian and her job was finding the dimensions of the feathers so he can do his duty to destroy and create the future. WHAT? All that time in the beginning of the series they are CLONES to the real Sayoran and Sakura. GEEZZZ!!! Oh yeah the clones are parents to the real Sayoran. OKKK now thats insane but knowing it makes sense all along when find out how Sayoran got to the land from earth and how it failed in the mission and had to pay the price and then the world we saw in the beginning was all the villians creativity in that new world with the clones. Man very twisted. Anime is slow like too good but OAV is good. Read the rest of the manga online and plane to get all 28 volumes in bit thick books when it comes because it was some unique ride i had when reading it. Parts be slow in typcial journeys but a very strange romantic ride i had :))