Countdown to Cairo

Nov 16, 2004 15:00

So soon! I'm so excited. I've started packing my bags and praying everythign fits so I dont have to carry fifty million bags. I think I'll be able to do it. I'm going to bring my monster suitcase.

Went to the Beauty side of our store yesterday. They have some super fun stuff! And they had a special on skincare. 50% off! And I love it! What a great steal!

I suppose it kinda is and kinda isn't feeling real that I'm going to be seeing Essam very soon and finally getting married. Everyone can't believe I have to come back and continue living here with out my husband. Sometimes I can't either. Life is cruel like that sometimes. But because we've gone through so much up until now, it has made us so much stronger. Still it is sad to think about. At least this time though, my visit is resulting in a huge step forward for our future.

Yesterday, and well mainly the day before was full of phone calls from my family members. Most women getting married would get calls of congratulations. Luckily I wasn't home. I was still working. Basically these calls were, IS SHE DOING THE RIGHT THING...BLAH BLAH BLAH YADA YADA YADA. It's like, if my parents support me and are happy for us, then you need to learn to be, or shut your mouth. I can't believe people sometimes. Look I know people love me and are concerned and blah blah blah. That's great, but there does come a point where they need to realize that this is the decision I'm making and instead of rejecting it, thinking of how they can get ready to welcome a new person into the family. Besides, aren't I the one who should get to pick my husband?

Through all of this I've definitely seen the effects of lableing. Female. Male. Arab. Muslim. Christian. Egyptian. American. All of these labels, have created so much turmoil. The thing people are loosing site of is one label that is real...human. Just because we are any of these things does not mean we are a specific way. It's pretty easy to break it down and make it simple. Two people are in love...they want to get married...spend their lives together... Doesn't seem that difficult.
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