'I hear you are insanely smart'

May 03, 2006 21:07

So now that my research paper is out of the way everything is smooth sailing from now until Finals. YAAY!
Check this out:
Tomorrow: 8am-9:30 Journalism. 10am-1pm NAP TIME!!! 1:30-3pm Math. 3pm-4pm Lifetime Wellness > All for the last time!
Friday: 8am-9am Speech. 10am-11am Bible. 1pm-1:15pm English (filling out course evaluation and leaving) > All for the last time too!

Monday - Dead Day: No classes - 9:30am-12pm Bonus videos for Journalism. Noon-1 Review for Journalism Test. 1-whenever Studying for Bible and reading for English.

Finals Week:
Tuesday: 8-10am English Final (essay)/ 10am-Noon Journalism Final/ 2pm-4pm Bible Final
Wednesday: 10am-Noon Math Final
Thursday: Noon-2pm Coms Final
Friday: NO TESTS!

My freshman year of college is almost over. I can't believe it. I feel old - but I'm not. I'm not even 19 yet.

I am so close to going to Oxford already and I am still in that mix of excited/scared.
I have to fill out financial aid applications to get things renewed for next year.
I have to work ALL summer long (minus the few days at the end of May/beginning of June when I go see Gordon)
I have to go shopping for Oxford - yay!
And then come August I'm back up here for 3 days so I can get other things situated and then I'm off for 15 weeks.

I'm also excited about coming back and spending a whole 3 weeks with Gordon. :) I get to be with my baby for Christmas!!!
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