when it all comes crashing

Dec 28, 2007 19:34

When so much in my life is dependent on music, when bands and songs and lyrics are symbolic, potent and powerful, it never really occurred to me that people could use it against me. I never thought to turn it around and make it something negative, to take my love for a band and the friendships I've made from it and turn it into a weapon when that love ends. To turn a painful time, something that I know pushes buttons and presses emotional triggers, into what seems like a personal attack. I'm so sorry that you felt the need to do that, that you really identify with that situation. There's so much bitterness and pain there that I truly hope you don't feel, but it's not the same situation at all. You don't get to make yourself the victim; he might have been pushed but you jumped.

I can see the similarites though; faking an affinity for something you didn't believe in just to stay comfortable, distancing yourself and blaming others, aiming to wound long after the fact. Well, if you want to play that figure, go for it, because I have no problem playing the other. We all know how I feel on that matter, and if you want to paint me as him, feel free baby. He's not an asshole, and neither am I, and just like him, I don't give a shit what you say about me. One difference though; the figure you're trying to emulate? Never took out collateral damage. He kept his attacks limited to when and where they were necessary and only for those he felt deserved it.

So go on, identify and make veiled references, bitch and complain and throw metaphorical punches because real ones won't work. But just like the 'asshole', I don't care, and just like the other, I'm walking away. And unlike you, I can and have forgiven him.

I thought I found someone
I thought I had something I could trust
I still can't believe what happened
It's not that you lied to us
It's not that our friendship was a front
It's just that I can't see the real in you

tai, rant, n

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