Bush is not a political genious. Karl Rove is the genious; a man who brought Bush form 35% approval rating to victory for reelection. Now I admit I do not much like Kerry, (had I had the opportunity to vote in the last presidential election, I would have voted for him over Bush) but he still remains one of my least favorite Democrats. However, Kerry clearly made a stupid error in speaking, not thinking before he opened his mouth. I think he should apologize, but its not like Bush hasn't done the same thing many times and never apologized for it.. For me, as a Democrat, I can only hope erry's fat mouth won't give Republicans enough steam to pull victory in the coming elections. I'm hoping the still relatively fresh Foley scandal (much worse than Kerry) and dislike of Bush and his war in Iraq will be enough to win either the house or the senate. With Republicans controlling all three branches of government, there is no one to "check" the executive branch, and you know the check and balance system is way out of whack when the administration starts advocating torture. On a side note, the use of torture only backs up views of America as barbarous, and lowers us to the levels of terrorists. I agree staunchly with McCain on this one, torture is immoral and should not be used under any circumstances, for we only set the example for others to follow. Well, it will be an interesting coming few weeks. I only wish I was old enough to vote.
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