Aug 30, 2006 20:45
I don't know if anybody else has heard about the man who just went on a hit-and-run spree today. Apparently he started here in fremont where he hit and killed a man, then drove to san francisco and hit 14 other people. i heard about it earlier but just watched the news story from NBC on what struck me was how they conviniently left out his name and race. the asshole's name i dont know, but he's an afghani man who lived over near cabrillo i believe. doesnt surprise me, shouldnt surprise you either. what i love is that his family or w/e says he thought he was "being chased by the devil". i dont give a fuck what the smelly bastard thought or his reasons for doing it were, fuck him. if i was in charge the son of a bitch would be hanged, quartered, and burned. i can guarantee he was an immigrant to this country as well. these are the kinds of people we are letting into this country. one of scarlett's teachers told her that within like a decade, i believe, that the majority of califronia residents will be latino and asian. and while the US is the land of the free and where everyone is equal and all that good stuff, that should never be allowed to happen. i dont care what anybody says, white people should never be a minority in their own country. and again, i dont care what anybody says, yes we allow everyone to come here, but this country was founded and is still run by white people. the United States of America is (or is supposed to be) a majority white society. just like India is majority indian, South Africa is majority black, China is majority chinese, the US should never have whites as a minority in any state. Some of you may call me racist or an asshole or whatever, and to that i say "piss off", because that's the honest to god truth.
there are also some mexicans who keep saying how "California is going to returned to Mexico in a few years" blah blah blah. over my dead body it will. the people who say things like "This land belonged to Mexico", well ya, at one time it did. Than we fucking wooped your 3rd world ass in a little thing called the Mexican-American war, and took California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah. These are the DUMBEST people on earth.
Also, i firmly believe the borders should be completely cut off, and about 150,000 more Nation Guardsmen put on the border. And for those who say "illegal immigrants pick fruit, and so work people dont want to". 2% of illegal immigrants work in an agriculture related job. i forget the exact numbers for the rest, but i do know that the majority don't work and sit on wellfare and all the free shit the liberals in the state give them, while americans like my family work their asses off and pay taxes so those assholes can live cush. not only should we deport every last one of them, we should close and lock the door behind them and never open it again.
here's something to truly think about though. we talked about this at dinner earlier this evening. you see groups like The Aryan Nations, and the Klu Klux Klan in the media ,rarely in California i know, but in other parts of the country you do. these people are portrayed as violent, racist, stupid hicks who want to kill everyone who isnt white. and at one point that was for the most part true. now however, they've seriously wisened up and a whole hell of a lot of them are very well educated people. many of them are getting collge degrees and the like. another thing to really think about is this. while i dont condone the whole killing all non-whites thing, and not being racist myself, not all of their views are bullshit. they believe in the same thing as i do, keeping America as a majority white country. while they may go about it different ways, i cant say i dont agree with them.
last thing
america will never have an asian, middle eastern, or latino president. ever. you can say "you dont know what's going to happen in the future". but yes, yes i do. you see, californians are really very stupid. most dont pay attention to much that really goes on in the world. people in other parts of the country are much smarter in general. they know that things would only get worse for anglos in this country if we were to have a non-white president. which is why it would never happen.
but once again, call me racist or what have you. i really don't care anymore. im so sick of all the bullshit that happens in this state because of the stupidity of the liberals in charge. on that note, thank god for Arnold. but anyway, i know anybody other than chris or my family who's reading this hates me now. good for you.
I'm gonna run for President