Oct 14, 2006 18:43
My computer is has been making some of the most awful noises lately. Like, it sounds like it is going to explode. Terrible.
There is also a serious throwing-up problem with on of the cats here, it is disgusting and I think she probably has cat leukemia or something equally bad.
C'est la vie, mon chat. C'est la vie.
Lately I have become very enchanted with the possibility of renting out Susie's room in September and living with Liz and Alex. I think, really, it has a 50/50 chance of actually becoming a reality, because who knows if Susie will really end up moving to Victoria? No one, but we can only hope. Because it would give everyone a nice reason to trip over to the island and visit her, and it would be really nice to live in that little house.
Liz, I hope you are thinking of the beauty that could be our housemate-ship.
Because I am srsly dreaming of it very often. I CANNOT STOP MENTALLY PLANNING OUT MY ROOM which I don't even know if I will live in ever. GOD. I even know where my sewing machine will go and all my shoes and art on the walls.
I got my passport re-application thing today. And then I had to re-print it off the internet like 17 times because I had to resign my signature a million times, because you can't let it touch the blue outline of the VERY VERY SMALL box, which voids THE ENTIRE document.
Also I am trading Pierce my extra floortom for his red bike.
I emailed Rachel like, 2 weeks ago because I heard through the grapevine of my mom that maybe she changed her mind about not going, and maybe wanted to come to Scotland, but I haven't heard back from her, so I don't know. I just need to know if I should wait for her so we can book our flights together (supposing she is going), or if i should just book it. But Zoom has a 2for1 seat sale on right now, and we could both fly for only $300 dollars or something obscene like that.
Dan and I finished (finally) our 6 feet under marathon. I am kind of sad that it's over, even though I had come to hate many of the characters. (most of them).
We also went to see Dylan last on Wednesday, which was kind of awesome because I really do love Bob Dylan, except for it was also kind of awful, because he is probably the worst performer ever. My mom said he was terrible 20 years ago and that he is just getting by on his name/legend. But really, worse than I expected, and my expectations were low. Belle told me her friends said it was really good, but it is different when you are 16 or 17 and really want to be impressed by Bob Dylan so you lie to yourself that he is still amazing, I told her.
Dan was upset because we went for our anniversary, but I still had a really good time, so he shouldn't have been.
Also, Kings of Leon are so skinny. Like, I had to rub my eyes because I thought I wasn't seeing them right.
I guess this was kind of a long post, but I guess things just started happening again like crazy, I can't even start on it.
I cut my bangs?