Feb 11, 2005 22:44

everything has been going so awesome for me lately. everything with my friends and stuff is really good.  i gained so many new friends in this past month and it's really great. i love my old friends too. uhm, & i'm really excited i have friends that drive. things with me and james are really good too. he is so great, basically just in general. he makes me really happy. things with my family is also really good! what the heck, why is everything so good?! well, actually. i think i failed miserably on my science midterm. but oh, well. fuck science. another good thing is mrs. underwood is putting some of my work in an exhibit at the historical museum. that makes me feel so good. she said that next year i am being put in advanced art! yes!

so valentine's day is monday. i'm not doing anything.

on tuesday, i'm not doing anything.

on wednesday, it's krystals birthday and we are going out to eat at bertucci's.

thursday, friday, saturday, i'm not doing anything.

so yay. one thing is happening this week.

i'm so happy i'm surrounded by such great people i can't wait for summer. i miss natalie and aunt caroline.

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