Feb 15, 2005 13:44
so i'm updating finally. things have been crazy lately.
i worked seven hours last night. it was totally fun, and i made a bunch of tip money too. i still hate valentine's day. something to do with the hallmark and massacre aspects of it... celebrating love on the 14th just doesn't seem right. when the time comes for me to actually celebrate that holiday, i'll pick a more pleasant date in history. like, say, july 16th.
i interviewed jeremy's band a few nights ago. i think that was the best three hours i've had in forever.
spencer and brett and i are seeing rocky votolato on friday! wooooo! that's crazy exciting. i've been wanting to see rocky since forever. and a day in seattle is always fun. plus, i've never been to the vera project. i bet i'll like it though.
upcoming events:
-spencer and brett are playing the Antique Sandwich open mic tonight. if you can, come out at 7pm. if not, turn on 90.9 (it's getting radio play).
-UPPC tomorrow. i'm so presbyterian. like woah. haha, i love that church. even if it isn't catholic.
-i need to make a trip to rocket records
-Donnie Darko director's cut at the Grand on Saturday, high five.
-extreme heat yoga. if i get out that way saturday.