
Apr 23, 2004 10:46

Last night I called Teh Jazz0r, mostly to ask for a reference but also to see how she was doing, and we spent most of the conversation giggling and reminiscing. I was surprised that she completely forgot about the time she walked in on me when I was in the jakes, but given that I made sure everybody in the office knew about it, maybe she repressed that memory. She's doing well at American General, and she got promoted, and she's married now, too. (I guess she finally made an honest man out of Joey.) Anyway, she seems happy and well, and I'm glad for her.

Man, I miss Teh Jazz0r.

Today's orders of business: talk to Prof. Bannon, get Things To Read (having filled the gas tank and gotten Things To Eat last night, including Phish Food and Thin Mint ice cream, which is perverse because I don't like chocolate ice cream), and catch up on e-mail before I disappear 4EVA OMG. Oh, and call about work, and update my resumé, and swing by the post office.

augustuscaesar: She who hesitates is lost. You're getting a bday present whether you like it or not, omg. ^_^

culinary adventures, school, tara, jazzy, to-do lists

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