Apr 19, 2004 11:58

I missed the joyous occasion of augustuscaesar's birthday, as a.) I do not live in Australia and b.) I went and got some new hair. I was fed up with the preexisting hair, which is depressing me intensely.

OH MY GOD, I SHOULD HAVE BOUGHT THE NEW HAIR A LONG TIME AGO. No, really, I should have. It was reasonably priced--about $50, which is what you'd expect to pay for a good medium-length synthetic--and it's a good color. It's dark enough that it's believable as my real hair (I'm sorry, eyebrows that match my hair are not worth my eyesight, kthxby), and it's straight and about shoulderlength and reddish-brown. Oh, and bangs. It makes me look so cute. [/end vanity]

(I bowed to popular opinion in the form of ziggy_prime and jurhael, I went for red/dishness; this has a definite reddish cast to it, but it isn't a true red, so I won't be playing Himura Kenshin in Samurai X: The Musical anytime soon. True red forthcoming when I have a job.)

Unfortunately when I was retying the ponytail this morning I snapped the rubber band, so I'm getting used to having loose hair again. On the up side, now all the hair things I have at m0mmy's won't go to waste. ^_^

Pictures forthcoming if I can get the digicam to work. (Hah! No camera is a match for my powerful antiphotogens!)

In other news, Peace Maker Kurogane is not available in English translation. I'm going to go sob now.

jo, lolmom, peace maker kurogane, tara, aaron, rurouni kenshin, stupid hair

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