Stupid News

Apr 08, 2004 15:26

Asked the object of my unattainable obscene stupid desire if he wanted to get some dinner sometime. He didn't say No, which is a point in the favor of the whole scheme. On the other hand, I am not delusional and of course I do not think dinner will ever be gotten, much less that anything will, you know, come of it. However, I think the Object is a better bet than N, if only because N lives so far away.

That said, I repeat: I am not delusional. I do not think the Object and I will ever have anything going. Sexual fantasies are one thing--admittedly, I am shallow and I want the Object because I find him physically attractive, although he has other qualities--but reality is a whole 'nother thing. And I am a realist, not a romantic.

Also, I learned today that I use too many adverbs in speech, omg.

n, e

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