Have officially HAD IT.

Feb 25, 2004 11:47

So I went to Loogootee last night to meet m0mmy so we could do the FAFSA. Of course, we met at the Dairy Queen, there not being very much else in Loogootee, and the damn place was PACKED, mostly with people and their squalling hellbrats. If little Sierra and little Rose had been my children, they would have been spinning from the blows I would have dealt them. You DO NOT let your children run wild in public places and climb on the tables and scream for any reason less pressing than dismemberment. My God, if my sister and I had behaved that way, we would have been 37 before we'd have been allowed in public again.

Actually, in a just world, the little darlings would have been beaten until bloody. Then their parents would have been beaten twice as hard. However, the world is not just.

This has only strengthened my conviction that not only is it my God-given right to have a tubal ligation, it is an absolute necessity.

And then after the FAFSA was done, I drove home, which worked out except for the passenger's side low-beam headlight going out. Again. Because that stupid headlight was replaced in goddamn SEPTEMBER. Jesus fucking Christ. So I had to become what I hate and turn on the brights, like a troglodytic Midwesterner.

I decided I didn't want to be arsed with the car today and took the bus. I have to crap out a 5-page paper for C361; fortunately, it deals with The Divine Augustus, so I can pretty much bullshit my way through it. Oh, and over the weekend I get to crap out an article review for C495 and a presentation on Catullus' c.41 for L304.

Needless to say, I am Not A Happy Camper.

Perhaps I am a crappy hamper.

lolmom, latin, car, loogootee, school

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