
Feb 04, 2004 11:36

Okay! So, like, I got up at 6:20 to make a 9:05 class which turned out to be canceled. So now I only have G150 to go to and lots of library time (which, admittedly, should probably be Greek time since I sucked ass on the first exam--eek!). However, the car runs like a dream now (it needed a fuse replaced, and the folks at World Wide Auto, which will be linked as soon as I look up the domain name, were kind enough to put in a new bulb--no more light trouble!--and top off my coolant as well ^_^). Also, it's a sunny day and I am happy, although I wish it were March.

I like March, because even if spring isn't quite there, it's still coming. Actually, I like all seasons, but I'm about ready for winter (and the attendant slipping-on-the-ice-while-I'm-trying-to-get-to-class, and the attendant car trouble) to be over. I hated living in Texas because there were no discernible season changes; it was just sort of desolate and sucky all year round.

And I went grocery shopping last night (desperately needed, since I was living on ramen noodles and bread and butter at that point, and I'm not within reasonable walking distance of a grocery store). Even with a few impulse buys--a peeler and a whisk--I came in under $100, so I'm happy. (I only do Really Involved Shopping about every other month, but I've still been trying to curb discretionary spending. The last time I bought luxury items for myself was in November, and if I could kick my Starbucks habit ESPECIALLY SINCE I HAVE COFFEE AT HOME I'd be okay.)

I have an Aeneid paper due tomorrow, and I have an article review which I can print out and do at home. The paper is only 5 pages, so it shouldn't be too horrible, but I may require distraction. jurhael, that's where you come in, as we need to talk about stories and catch up and you need to be reminded how much I love you because I'm stupid. Also I am jealous that you have a new computer, but I'll get Rupert upgraded someday and then we'll be even. ^_^ But anyway, AIM tonite, yes?

And now, the requisite social blogging. 'Cause i r teh sukc and don't keep up with people.

augustuscaesar, I know you've already left and probably won't see this till you get back, but I hope you have a great time in Florida, and I wish I could drive down and see you, but it's not feasible. Hell, I'd even brave a day of wholesome fun at Disney World for you (and I hate theme parks).

forgottensanity, I owe you e-mail. Will get to that soon, promise.

ziggy_prime, I need to e-mail you, although off the top of my head I don't recall your main e-mail anymore. (Because, again, I suck.) Refresh my memory?

zyphryus, I got another phone book. Expect some all-natural, wholesome evil in the mail in the next few weeks or so.

jo, march!, cat, school, tara, aaron, car, greek, lyd

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