So the AAA guy came and tried to jump me last night, after I had to wait 2 hours. And then it didn't work, so I pretty much waited for nothing. He heard a clicking sound when I tried the ignition, and thinks it might be the glow plug. (!!) Or, possibly, my fuel has jelled, which I don't think is the case.
m0mmy thinks this might have something to do with the lights I had replaced over the weekend (we took it to Pep Boys). But the kicker is, it worked just fine coming back from Pep Boys. It was only on Sunday, with all the snow, that I couldn't get it to start.
The battery is new--it's a year old at most. And it snowed here in late November/early December, and I had no trouble starting it then--sure, it was slow and chuggy, but only what you'd expect. Christ.
Well, tomorrow's agenda involves going to Latin, calling the import service, coming right back home, and waiting for them to tow it. Assuming they have a tow truck. Otherwise, that involves calling the AAA to tow it, which would be free, but I have to Have To HAVE TO go sit for an exam at 2:30, and I can't wait around all afternoon for the thing to be towed.
1. If you could travel back in time to a chosen era and place, on the proviso that you could never come back, would you do it?
Yes. There are things I would miss: I would wonder what happened to everyone (or what was going to have happened, supposing I changed something dramatically in the past). I would miss things like reliable contraception, toast, running water, and the Internet. I would miss printed books with spaces between the words. But on the other hand, a great deal of my curiosity would be satisfied, and let's face it--I'm dumb enough that I'm not going to learn Latin any other way. *snerk*
2. Would you ever agree to children, just because your partner was set on having them? Feel free to use their womb *g*
No. I'm very much childfree, and there is absolutely nothing compelling enough to get me to agree to children--no relationship is worth that, as far as I'm concerned. Bluntly put, if she wants kids, I don't want her.
3. Which is your favourite of the Classic historians/authors?
Straight historians? Suetonius, at the moment, if only because I can find a thousand things in there to pick apart and analyze.
Writer in general? Homer. Homer is the alpha and the omega of the field. Homer is perfect, because there's everything in the Iliad and the Odyssey. I think we went over this in e-mail...*snerk*
4. Would you prefer to be rich, famous or devastatingly beautiful?
Rich. I can be famous by my own merits, I'm sure of that. And the devastating beauty would probably grow annoying after a while. But I do worry about money, all the time. And I have expensive tastes, unfortunately: I like things like computers and fast cars and nice clothes.
5. Do you vote? Why/why not?
Only for the president. I'm not (currently) technically a resident of M County, so I can't vote in local elections. I don't give a shit who's in Congress. (Yes, I know,
wickedripeplum and
jurhael will probably have some strong words for me if/when they see this.) And I'm generally pretty disillusioned with politics on the whole.
On the other hand, I vote for the president on general principle. Perhaps this is because I'm a good citizen in embryo. Or possibly because I'm lazy.
(Note to Alma: No fair telling me that we're a Communist dictatorship and now I don't have to vote. You know I believe everything you say.)
1 - Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.
2 - I will respond; I'll ask you 5 questions.
3 - You'll post the questions and your answers in your journal, with this explanation.
4 - You'll ask other people 5 questions when they want to be interviewed.