Because I'm tired of writing my C390 paper and I have like 10 hours anyway.

Dec 11, 2003 00:54

Gacked from augustuscaesar.

1.) Copy this whole list into your journal.
2.) Bold anything you have in common with me, then replace any unbolded with your own...things.

I don't think I said anything new or important here. You probably already know this.

1.) I have always wanted to be famous.
2.) I don't watch television.
3.) I love driving really fast.
4.) I like my booze dry, not sweet.
5.) I like to bully men and otherwise push them around.
6.) I fix other people's spelling errors mentally when I'm reading...I can't help it.
7.) I give spare change to bums.
8.) I wish I were male.
9.) I am very concerned about what other people in my discipline think (or might think) about me.
10.) My first majors in college were history and comparative literature.
11.) I hate to write. I like having written.
12.) I hate loud, repetitive noises.
13.) I talk to myself.
14.) I get crushes of various strengths on most of my friends at one point or another.
15.) I love living by myself.
16.) I've never done cocaine.
17.) I don't apologize for myself.
18.) There is someone I would gladly murder.
19.) I don't like dogs.
20.) I like getting things in the mail. Even if it is a bill, or someone telling me I've been approved for a credit card.
21.) I quit smoking.
22.) I would eat more vegetables if they tasted good.
23.) I would eat fewer carbs if they didn't taste so good.
24.) No, in fact, I don't really care what you think of me.
25.) I have control issues.
26.) I have anger issues.
27.) I love hearing new kinds of (good) music.
28.) I'm a weird person.
29.) I have a dysfunctional relationship with my father.
30.) I love history. I dork on the past.
31.) Sometimes, I just want to go far away and never see anyone ever again.
32.) I have a short attention span.
33.) I procrastinate. A LOT.
34.) I don't have a lot of patience with fans or fandom.
35.) I love the smell of rain.
36.) I am terrified of failure.
37.) I don't have any body piercings other than a simple hole in each earlobe. I know, I'm so boring.
38.) Most days, I don't bother with makeup.
39.) I have no patience with clingy people.
40.) I hate crying, no matter who does it.
41.) I really enjoy thoughtful gifts, even if they cost nothing. Still, I'll like almost anything just because the person took the time to pick it out.
42.) I'm afraid of dying.
43.) I'm not good at making myself agreeable to people.
44.) I like large urban areas.
45.) I collect action figures.
46.) I have no discernible sense of shame.
47.) Deep down, I don't really think I deserve for people to be kind to me.
48.) I think Cosmopolitan magazine is great comedy.
49.) I think astrology is so much bullshit.
50.) When I want something, I usually get it...even if it takes me a while.
51.) I like silence at times.
52.) I obsess over guys because I want to be them, and over girls because I want to be with them.
53.) I find it hard to understand why some people refuse to take responsibility for their own lives.
54.) I speak four languages.
55.) I want to know everything.
56.) I want to be immortal.
57.) Also, while I'm at it, I want a pair of wings.
58.) Sometimes I contemplate going back to the Church.
59.) I like when my friends write me letters, it makes me feel special.
60.) I wish it were legal for me to plug kids with a 12-gauge.
61.) The silliest things fascinate me.
62.) I once pulled a working computer out of the dumpster. (Aside: Yes, I know everybody is tired of that story. No, I don't care.)
63.) I like to tell and hear stories.
64.) I used to get really bad motion sickness as a kid.
65.) I once had an allergic reaction to Nair. This sucked.
66.) Exercise bores me.
67.) I hate people who keep their cell phones on 24/7 without any regard for appropriateness or courtesy. Come on, are you that important?
68.) I believe in God.
69.) I've made some good friends via the Internet, some GOOD friends.
70.) I never want to get pregnant or to give birth.
71.) Although I'm queer, I often use the word "fag" as an insult, and "faggy" as a modifier.
72.) I hate yuppies and delight in being rude to them.
73.) I can't ride a bike.
74.) I relish my own vileness far too much.
75.) I don't take aspirin, no matter how bad the headache is.
76.) It's hard to gain my trust.
77.) I love books. I love to read.
78.) I like snow.
79.) I hate chick flicks.
80.) I love learning.
81.) I wish I could shoot laser beams from my eyes.
82.) I love oranges.
83.) When I grow up, I want to be a samurai.
85.) I'm running out of things to say.
86.) I have trouble sleeping.
87.) I love nachos.
88.) I have a morbid fascination with middle America, even though it represents everything I find dreadfully banal.
89.) I wish I were a better person.
90.) I don't regret very much.
91.) I can be a real bitch when I want to be.
92.) I love being barefoot.
93.) I shoot off my mouth far too much.
94.) I'm a suspicious person.
95.) I am quite random at times.
96.) I'm like Caligula: never a better servant or a worse master.
97.) I don't love (in any sense) easily or often.
98.) I'm easily amused.
99.) I like pizza.
100.) I don't really like people touching me.

meme, all about me, tara

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