Cat r00lz!

Dec 03, 2003 19:45

I demand that you immediately click on "slap me, bitch!" and behold the wonder and beauty and glory that is my icon. It is my new default. forgottensanity made it for me, because she is the shit.

And that's really all, except I feel like I have far too much e-mail answering goin' on.

In answer to the obvious question: yes, I have been listening to the Clash. A lot. They're my favorite band, a position they've held for about 3 years now.

I think I want to dick with my user info now. Anything to forestall the C390 paper. (On the upside, I did get the short C390 paper back, and I made an A. w00t, go me.)

music, cat, school, admin

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