A happy Friday post.

Oct 31, 2003 14:58

Good things that happened in the past 7-10 days:

--ziggy_prime and I e-mailed. I may be going to Indy to get Rupert looked at.
--I finally got a good foothold on the last game I joined.
--I got a Terra Incognita app. I'm always happy to get apps even if they need revision.
--George joined TI, and is a definite addition to the game.
--I did okay on my Greek test even if it was not that good.
--augustuscaesar told me to not hate myself. Sometimes I need to hear that.
--I got my C311 paper finished and turned in and now I don't have to work on it anymore.
--I got the kitchen cleaned up.
--No more ants! YAY!
--There's coolant in the car.
--forgottensanity feels special. ^_^
--I got the first volume of Rurouni Kenshin! It was an impulse buy; I decided to swing by Borders on my way home and see if it was in yet. It was. And for $7.95, it was mine all mine.
--I love jurhael. That is a constant, but I thought I'd throw it in, because it's a good thing.
--Dinner last night was stir-fried rice with ham, peas, and egg (a popular dish at my house when I was growing up), and man, was it good. Also, leftovers.
--When I was cleaning out the fridge, I found a saucepan full of oldish clam chowder which did not look funny and did not smell funny and therefore is presumably good to eat. So I put it in a Cool Whip container.
--I'm not sick anymore.
--I couldn't locate three peppers I bought at the store. Then I found them--in the trunk, where they'd apparently fallen out when I was loading in groceries. However, they've been in my metal firecracker during the cold weather, so they weren't rotted and were still good to eat! So now they're in the fridge.

Happy Samhain, for that portion of the Pagan portion of my audience which celebrates Samhain. Yes, that was an awkward sentence, but the sentiment is sincere. (Not all Pagans celebrate Samhain; I don't because I'm a Hellene and Samhain is not a Greek holiday.)

Incidentally, this is the one day out of all the year that I wish I had a TV. I don't watch TV, and haven't in years. I don't miss it, and I don't own a TV now, because nothing says "dumb" like dropping over $100 for something you're not going to use or want or even think about most of the time. Nevertheless...

...on Halloween weekend, AMC or somebody shows The Mummy. And I don't mean that Brendan Fraser travesty which came out in 1998. (The new Mummy is dead to me.) I mean the cool original Mummy with Boris Karloff, in black and white which is actually scary and which I fucking love. And I haven't seen it in years.

Maybe I'll do something about that. We have a media center with a TV you can check out for a couple of hours...

jo, culinary adventures, cat, school, tara, movies, aaron, rurouni kenshin, rp, greek, terra incognita

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