This Will Inevitably Fall Through

Apr 22, 2012 19:01

zyphryus, my great love! I have no idea if you will see this but I figure it is worth a shot. (Also I know this is short notice, so I understand if not doable.) The Indianapolis Opera is playing Faust the weekend after next (4-6 May), which I should like to see. I should also like to see you if the planets align! (And anybody else on the flist in Indy too, of course.)

I am still doinking with timing; the 4 May performance is at 8 p.m. local and I know there is NO way I will get up there by the time it begins unless I take off work, which theoretically I could do and in practice I am not doing because opera just isn't really a compelling reason to take off work. There is no 5 May performance (because that would have been easy and solved my scheduling problem, so, you know, not happening). The 6 May performance is at 2 p.m. local, which is copacetic for me in that I wouldn't have to drive in Indy in the dark, and in that I would probably still be back in Spavinsville at a reasonable hour. (On the other hand, once I returned to Spavinsville after 3 hours of opera and 4 hours of automotive transport, my activities for the day would be limited to "check e-mail, go to bed", so this would require me to have laundry and things arranged well in advance.)

ANYWAY! I seem to have decided that I shall do this thing (somehow), so pl0x advise? :D

opera, fun plans, indy, lyd

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