Feb 11, 2012 21:22

On the bright side, while I am freaking the fuck out about ye olde labwork (still not in) -

1.) I would like to call your attention to the magnificent silver vehicle parked in my driveway. As of last week, I own it free and clear. No more car payments for another 5-10 years, I hope!

2.) Speaking of that self-same magnificent vehicle, I took it to get an oil change and the brakes checked this morning. (It's been a couple of years since the brakes were looked at, but brake failure isn't something I want to play around with.) The mechanic came out while I was waiting and said to me, "Miss H*****, that is a fine vehicle!"

Since these words are not usually used to describe nondescript Toyota sedans, I wasn't sure if he was being sarcastic, and he went on to say, "No, seriously, it's fine. The brakes are working fine, the filters are fine [they should be, they're not six months old], the battery is fine [it should be, it's not two years old], everything is in really good shape, but we just found a little corrosion around the battery terminals..." I figured an extra $35 that might prolong the life of my battery was a small price to pay, so end result: I walked out having dropped about $75 instead of the $460 I had anticipated paying for new pads and rotors. Either someone up there likes me or someone up there has a black sense of humor that I haven't found out about yet.

3.) I went to G.D. Ritzy's with Lauren this evening, largely a spur of the moment thing. I hadn't previously been, and while it was greasy and delicious, I don't think it's going to be somewhere I frequent on a regular basis - way too much fat and carbs! (Speaking of, I get back on the wagon tomorrow, because I would like to knock another 20 pounds off my frame.)

4.) I have knocked out 4 hours and 29 files in the office today, so have done all the overtime I am required to do this weekend and am at leisure to decide whether I want to get up at ass o'clock in the morning tomorrow and put in some more hours. (Since up to 12 hours are approved, I was really tempted, but I still have to do laundry, pack a lunch, generally get ready for my week, and do some other things.)

culinary adventures, good things, stupid car, lauren w, work

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