Jan 24, 2012 20:14

Hey guys. My monitor, which is elderly, is slowly dying and I can only take so much of it at one time (everything is green and blurry and I have to read text in 20 pt. bold font in a Word doc if I want to read it at all, also forget writing anything). I don't get paid until next week, so this is unfortunately a back-burner issue now; I'm trying to keep part of this paycheck back in case I need to have my brake pads and rotors replaced and not just adjusted like I'm expecting. (It may be later than next week; I do still have a car payment to make out of that check, though I'm hoping the 8 hours of overtime I'm putting in this week will help.) The library is not out of the question, but I dunno - I'm busy.

It's lolmom's computer, so I guess I could make her buy it, but since I use it more than she does, that just seems really shitty. There is also the part where Best Buy makes her disoriented and confused.

Anyway, nobody be too upset by radio silence plz. I'll be back as soon as I can see things on a screen again.

sorry, lolmom, technical difficulties plz stand by, life, work

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