I Don't Know If I'm Really Back But I Feel Like Writing Something

Oct 17, 2011 22:03

To whom it may concern: I am wearing a pair of jeans I dug out of my closet this morning. I hadn't worn them in years because I couldn't fit into them. I kind of like this because it means I might possibly not have to buy new pants :D

I had my wisdom teeth out on the 23rd. I'm not going to sign up for another extraction next week, but it wasn't as bad as pretty much everyone I know said it was. (In the interest of full disclosure, I have a very high pain threshold and I only consider it "pain" when it disrupts my normal activities.) The only thing that I would call painful happened during the actual surgery; Dr Oral Surgeon told me he was sorry, but he needed to reach in to get something, and I would feel a sting for three or four seconds. It hurt badly enough to make my eyes water, and I remember thinking, "Fuck, that really hurt!...Fuck, that would have hurt a lot more if I weren't blitzed out of my proverbial gourd!" Afterwards, I was just a little sore and achy, but I don't consider that pain, and I kept thinking, "Okay, anytime now, it's really going to hurt...No? Huh. Pain starting in 3, 2, 1...Still no pain? Okay, I'll go with that." I was able to sleep at night, and the next morning I didn't feel a thing. I did get my teeth back--you can tell where I was brushing the upper tooth, because it's in much better condition than the roots and the lower tooth! (Which was also getting brushed, but...)

On the 1st, I went up home to Bloomington for the first time this year, mainly to see Cosi fan tutte and also to use the library. I woke quite early that morning, and despite a quick nap before I headed out to the opera, I was still tired and the second act seemed to drag on. (Not a phrase one usually uses of Mozart! And probably also not the objective truth.) Also: FUCK YES SCHOLARLY LITERATURE. I felt my brain shriveling, y'all. Oh, and I bought bread and tea for the lolmom (it's impossible to find the loose Twinings she likes in Evansville, and I always get her bread from the Bakehouse because it's a treat for her). The next morning, I had pancakes at Awful Waffle (as the Waffle House of Indiana is affectionately nicknamed by legions of students) because goddammit I was at home and I was happy and goshfuckit I wanted pancakes for breakfast. The Waffle House's pancakes aren't that great, but still, omnomnom.

And then I was cranky and pissy about having to leave Bloomington well into that Wednesday. I think my distemper about it is getting worse as I am slowly getting closer, financially, to being able to move back. I'm not where I need to be yet, but I am in good shape to meet my savings goal for this year. :D

Also, I am going back in less than 2 weeks to see A View from the Bridge (based on the Arthur Miller play). I am kind of an old-guardist about opera; I like the classics. I've seen a few more modern works that I liked, though, so I'm willing to see how this is.

On the 8th, I went to the Fall Festival, where I jumped off the wagon because I only eat funnel cake once a year and I'm damned if I'm going to give that up. I was pretty restrained--I had frog legs (which I always have), a single piece of Christian fudge (I would have liked more, but I was making a token effort), a funnel cake (OM NOM NOM FRIED SHIT IS MAKING SWEET LOVE TO YOUR ARTERIES), and a Munchen roll, which is a wonderful invention sold by one of the Catholic churches and ARGH I can't remember which one. It consists of bratwurst and sauerkraut, wrapped in breadstick dough and then dunked in garlic butter, and it was delicious.

Then I came back, took a shower, got in the car, and went to my friend Nicole's wedding reception, where I sat at the Lol-Mart table and caught up with the gang. It was ttl kickass to see everybody again, and I humiliated myself on the dance floor with great pleasure. Then again, none of us are exactly going to be on Dancing with the Stars anytime soon, so. What the hell, I had a good time. Also, I danced with the bride :D (I wasn't the only one; when the Money Dance song came on, a bunch of us lined up to dance with Nicole.)

This week, nothing happened. So far. Well, I made a kale salad (the bacon and eggs therein were well-received, though the mushrooms are controversial, as lolmom does not like them). I was going to make chile beef and broccoli for dinner, but I got up at 4 to go in at 6, and then when I looked at the inside of our fridge, I was like, "fuck, where am I going to put the leftovers", so I shoved the flank steak back in the freezer. Eggplant bolognese sounds promising, though; I got some shirataki spaghetti, which is like pasta in that it's a platform for sauce, and isn't a bad substitute (also you can eat the entire damn bag and only get like 6 grams of carbs and 1 of fat, which isn't bad at all). Lolmom may get a note saying EVERYBODY EAT SOME DAMN GAZPACHO (I made green gazpacho; we got some green tomatoes from the CSA the other week, and that's my favorite thing to do with them. Also, we had an avocado of uncertain age that was inexplicably still good, which was clearly a Sign).

And that's all, folks!

stupid teeth, culinary adventures, opera, fall feastival!, lolmom, nicole, books omg, sane weight loss, bloomington, births marriages and deaths

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