ZOMG You Gaiz, This Was Only A Six-Day Work Week

Sep 10, 2011 23:48

+ I'm going to try to start posting my food & exercise logs in here, because I took a flying leap off the wagon yesterday (poor food choices) and today (which I will not go into details about other than to say that it could be aptly named the Donut Ballocaust of 2011).

+ I have worked 120 hours in the last pay period. Actually, I think it was slightly over that.

+ Then most of it got sucked away because savings and I had a car payment I wanted to take care of sooner rather than later, and, oh, I went to the car dealership this morning to get the oil changed and have the power steering flushed and somehow I let myself be talked into getting all the filters replaced. (They told me I needed my windshield wipers replaced, too, and while I've never found the service to be anything but good there, I'm not giving them $26 for something that costs me $19 for parts and 15 minutes for labor and that I can do myself at home). I also finally got an estimate on the busted taillight casing (we don't know how that happened; I came out to the car one morning and found bits of red plastic in the bushes).

+ My day basically looked like this: Get up. Get in the shower, get dressed, go to dealership. Go to work for 4 hours. Get pedicure. Come back to work for 3 hours. BUT! I made my quota for the whole weekend today, so I can be off tomorrow :D

+ I think I'd like a hot bath, assuming the drain in the tub is working properly.

+ ♥

l33 fail, unacted desires, stupid car, life, work

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