This Time It's Mostly Not Emo

May 24, 2011 22:26

+ Spoke with boss about bereavement leave. I warned her I'd probably need to take the full 3 days to which I am entitled, since it's a 12-hour trip one way from here to Savannah. I will still get paid for it (not that that makes up for the circumstances, but it's nice to know I'm not going to lose money), and she doesn't think I'll need to provide any kind of documentation.

+ Made a poor food choice and had pie for dinner last night. Back on the wagon today (sort of, barring the ice cream I had a few spoonfuls of. Which turned into a lot of spoonfuls). Delicious pie was delicious, though.

+ Lolmom and Diane have reached Savannah. Another one of my aunts called last night in the hopes of swinging by and meeting up with them, but they've been on the road probably about 12 hours already so she's going to have to meet up with Paula (another aunt. Lolmom is one of seven kids. YES WE ARE CATHOLIC, or most of the ones who aren't me are). Lolmom says she will call when she knows something but didn't figure they'd get to see my grandmother before today.

+ Finished Black Robe. Went BAAAAWWWWW at the end because I am apparently the sort of person who gets all emotional over stories about 17th-century Jesuits ministering to the Huron.

+ We were going to have a shindig at work, but due to thunderstorms being in the forecast every day this week, it was postponed (the venue was outdoors). They did thoughtfully feed us lunch, though, and there are enough leftovers for everyone to enjoy some again tomorrow :9

+ I have this damn character running around in my head and nowhere to play him. (And I think it has to be more of a group setting; one-on-one RP is lovely but sometimes you need more dynamics.)

+ Another trip to the CSA! Moar pacchoi (some of which was turned into chow mein; I'm waiting for lolmom's return so I can turn it into salad with avocado), moar lettuce (which is also getting turned into salad), moar kale (that too; I might turn some of it into pesto), moar shallots, and moar onions. Also: A small tatsoi, also some garlic ramsons. I suspect we may be getting Swiss chard and broccoli in the near future (we have a half-share, so we don't get everything that full shareholders do, but we can get an inkling of what's coming next by looking at their shares), and I cut some herbs (dill, rosemary, and oregano) out of the herb garden. Oh, and I opened a can of bean sprouts and now I have to use those up too because I only used about half a cup on the chow mein. It would be so much easier if they were fresh.

Tentative menu plans: Kale will keep for a while in the fridge, and so will pacchoi, so I'm not too worried about either as long as we make something soon. The lettuce is not getting younger, so I think I'm going to make a chicken Cobb salad tomorrow night (that will also use up some of the green onions). Tatsoi might also need to be used quickly, if memory serves, and I should use up those bean sprouts before they get nasty. (Predictably, I have a salad recipe.) Shallots will keep pretty much indefinitely, and so will onions.

+ Must remember to turn the water back on so I can do some dishes. I don't feel up to it tonight, though.

+ I was going to make a really ill-advised post calling somebody out, but that's more because I feel combative and want to pick a fight than it is because I feel deeply bothered or threatened by the behavior, which is not that egregious if I'm honest, and is a minor-league annoyance on the level of my ass itching. (On the other hand, when your ass itches and you can't scratch it...)

culinary adventures, unacted desires, rp, things that suck, lolmom, books omg, family, work

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