
Oct 26, 2003 20:18

forgottensanity, the comment you left for cagey_keiji made my eyes bleed. If he were a real person and not a figment of my imagination, I think his eyes would be bleeding too. But thanks for noticing him.

In other news, my web host has decided that henceforth, all free accounts will have advertisements, after going 4 years without. I suppose Dov Sherman is right; the free Internet is dying. Still, it's a bit of a bastard and a bit of a downer. So I'm going to do something I've been toying with for a while.

I'm thinking about buying a domain. Which, really, is not that big a whoop; 15-year-old kids with no job buy domains all the time. But still, it's a bit of money, although with the registration/hosting company I'm looking at, it would be under $200 for slightly over 2 years, and registering the domain name (which, I'm not saying what it will be, partially because I don't want people shooting it out from under me, and partially because I'm not sure yet) would be free.

I'm probably not going to do it in the near future--if I get the domain this year, it will be probably around Christmas, when I expect to have some money. It's kind of exciting, the thought of having a place to put stuff up without having to fuss with whether policies change or whether I'm over my bandwidth limit or how much space I'm taking up. The plan I'm looking at is very generous, spacewise.

I need to go to the grocery store.

Also: happy birthday, ziggy_prime.

webstuff, birthdays, cat, linx0r, aaron

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